
體育學報/Physical Education Journal

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中華民國體育學會/National Society of Physical Education, Republic of China,正常發行


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本研究之目的在探討不同強度運動對血液中維生素C、維生素E濃度的影響。受試者爲12名最大攝氣量爲61.7±2.9ml/kg/min之長跑選手,平均年齡18.8±3.1歲,身高169.8±3.1公分,體重59.6±5.7公觔。本研究採同一受試者重複測量之設計,受試者以隨方式分別接受85% VO2max及60% VO2max運動強度在原地跑步機上跑30分鍾等二種不同強度跑步,不同強度之間的測驗時間爲10天。受試者在跑步前、後及跑步後60分鍾抽血分析血液中之維生素C、維生素E之濃度,結果發現維生素C濃度不管在任何強度下之運動皆沒有明顯改變,維生素E在85% VO2max之運動後及運動後60分鍾有明顯的改變。 根據本研究之研究結果可知,運動如以健康爲目的應以60% VO2max之運動爲宜,因爲在此強度下,運動後不會造成維生素C及維生素E顯著的減少,故在運動前,似科不必補充維生素C及維生素E。但是選手若需在最短時間在到最大訓練效果,可攷慮接受85%VO2max之運動,但切記訓練後應特別注意保養身體,並盡量在運動前補充維生素E。

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The purpose of the study was to compare the difference in physical fitness and metabolic fitness between college students and faculty or staffs. Ninety-six college students (age 20.2±0.2yrs) and 32 faculty or staffs (age 36.2±1.3yrs) from National Chi-Nan University participated this study. The weekly exercise time was not significant different between two groups, but BMI was significantly greater in faculty and staffs than in students. In metabolic fitness tests, oral glucose tolerance test, insulin level, blood lipid level, and blood creatine kinase level were measured under over-night fasted condition. Physical fitness tests including 3-mm step test, distance for sit and reach, number for 1-mm sit-up, and handgrip strength were performed immediately after the metabolic fitness tests. In physical fitness tests, we found that significant difference between two groups only observed in 1-mm sit-up test. In contrast, glucose level during OGTT, serum insulin level, blood triglyceride level, cholesterol level, blood CK level in faculty and staffs were significantly higher than that in students, indicating poorer metabolic fitness in greater age. The result of the study suggests that metabolic fitness test is a sensitive indicator for determining age-difference in health.

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本篇研究之目的在探討高強度運動(80% VO2max)後,補充雞精對於血漿中免疫球蛋白IgG和IgA,及細胞激素interleukin-1β(IL-1β)、interleukin-2(IL-2)、interleukin-6 (IL-6)及tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)變化之影響。本研究採交叉雙盲試驗,16名健康女學生於強度爲80% VO2max跑步機運動30分鍾,再以每分鍾增加1%的坡度至受試者力竭爲止,運動後5分鍾飲用140ml雞精或安慰劑,二次耐力運動至少間隔一週。採血點爲運動前、後及運動後第1、2小時,以酵素免疫分析法檢測血漿之細胞激素與免疫球蛋白。結果顯示不論雞精組或安慰劑組,運動後血漿中IL-1β、TNF-α、IL-2及IL-6均有昇高的現象,與運動前相較並未達顯著差異,而運動後血漿中IgG和IgA與運動前相較之下,有顯著性地昇高;在運動後恢複期方面,雞精組於恢複期血漿中IL-1β、TNF-α、IL-2的分泌上昇的比率有高於安慰劑組的現象;而雞精組於恢複期的IL-6分泌上昇的比率有低於安慰劑組的現象,然兩組間並未達顯著差異。因此,本研究結果顯示力竭示力竭運動後僅補充雞精一次,對血漿中細胞激素的影響並不具顯著差異性。

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The purpose of this study was to examine the distribution of abdominal adipose tissue by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Thirty-six untrained healthy students (nineteen male and seventeen female) were recruited as subjects from the National Ping Tung Teachers College. All subjects were imaged on a 1.5 Tesla MRI (Signa Cvi, GE Medical System, Milwaukee, WI) scanner using a standard body coil at Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital. The images were obtained 20 contiguous 10-mm axial Ti-weighted and set second image at the level of the umbilicus. All images were transferred to a personal computer using the Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and to calculate visceral adipose tissue (VAT), subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) and total adipose tissue (TAT) deposition. The results showed that the correlation between pixel counts by automated computer method and personal designed software were significantly correlated (r=0.997, p<0.05). It showed that this method has acceptable precision. Also, the volumes obtained by the single umbilicus-level pixel and whole-abdominal fat were significantly correlated. (TAT r=0.91, SAT r=0.93, p<0.05). This showed that the single umbilicus-level image value was an excellent measure for whole-abdomen values in this cohort. Single umbilicus-level image is easier and less expensive.

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許多研究驗證運動訓練對人體生理、心理與動作表現有益,然而有關本體感覺研究大多著重於傷害或手術前後的影響,有限的研究顯示體操與芭蕾舞者較常人有更佳的本體感覺,而本研究的目的在探討規律綱球與羽球運動訓練是否也會對踝關節本體感覺造成影響。本研究受試者爲17位甲組綱球與羽球運動員與17位一般科系大學生,依Kaminksi,Perrin,amd Gansneder (1999)的標凖來確認爲正常健康踝關節,以BIODEX Ⅲ測力器進行雙腳三次內翻15度、中立0度與外翻10度的主動與被動關節複位知覺測試,主動與被動測試角速度分別設定爲500度/秒與2度/秒,並以平均複位誤差角度作爲本體感覺的指標。結果顯示一般常人雙腳主動與被動本體感覺無顯著差異,而網毬與羽球運動員雙腳主動本體感覺顯著優於被動本體感覺,此外網毬與羽球運員與一般常人相比也有顯著較佳的主動與被動本體感覺。本研究結論爲規律運動訓練有助於踝關節本體感覺功能,其原因應該是規律的網毬與羽球運動訓練可提昇肌群、韌帶與關節囊壓力受器敏感度,與較佳的神經肌肉控制功能。

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對體內鈣質的保存,運動(exercise)和身體活動(physical activity)在促進骨骼新陳代謝的機械性之調節機制方面有正面的影響,亦是預防骨質疏鬆症(osteoporosis)的重要因素,但針對運動對於調節體內鈣離子激素在代謝方面的影響如何?則有待進一步探討。本研究目的在探討(1)不同身體活動對骨質密度的影響,(2)不同身體活動者從事急性高阻力的肌力運動和最大耐力運動時對人體血液副甲狀腺素和降鈣激素的影響。二十名女性受試者,其中十位爲高身體活動組(實驗組),平均訓練年資爲4.6±0.5年,並維持每週三次以上的跑步訓練。另十名爲爲低身體活動量組(控制組),在一年內無規律運動習慣。本研究的受試者,分別接受耐力性與肌力性二種不同運動方式後,測量依變項的變化,並以二因數共變數分析(two-way ANCOVA)比較肌力性(離心收縮)和耐力性運動(最大峰值耗氧量)羊後對不同身體活動者各依變項(副甲狀腺素、降鈣激素)的影響。結果如下:(1)長時間規律且較高的身體活動有助於女性增加心肺功能與肌肉力量(2)高強度肌力性運動對於高身體活動量之女性體內降鈣激素的刺激有助於保存骨骼中鈣質,對於骨質密度的促進有加成的效果。結論:維持規律的高身體活動量有助於提高女性的骨質密度。而肌力性運動對於女性身體骨質保存除物理性的機制外,肌力運動亦會影響降鈣激素的改變對於骨質保存亦有正面的助益。

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The purposes of this study was to examine the difference between critical velocity (CV) derived from submaximal exercise time and maximal exercise time. Subjects were 20 college students (20.45±0.83yrs, 177.30±6.21cm, 71.62 ± 6.45kg). Participants performed five exhaustive treadmill tests. The purpose of the first test session was to determine VO2max, HR max and ventilatory threshold. At the following four sessions, each subject performed four exhaustive constant velocity tests (3.5m/sec-6m/sec). During each test, expired gases and HR were analyzed. CV was derived from submaximal exercise V02 and HR at each velocity. The results was CV derived from submaximal exercise time (CV(subscript 9O%VO2max), 3.64±0.387; CV(subscript 5O%VO2max), 3.56±0.410; CV(subscript 9O%HRmax), 3.60±0.354m/s) and maximal exercise time were (3.54±0.318m/s) not significantly different, but were significantly correlated (0.63~0.73). In conclusion, the CV derived from submaximal exercise time in place of maximal exercise time.

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Purpose: In this study, researchers try to find the correlation between cardio-respiratory recovery index (CRI) and the maximum oxygen uptake. Using the interval running test, the time of exercising maintenance and recovery are measured, and furthermore, used to calculate the CRI of running. Method: The subjects are twenty of male college students (age 22.35±1.66 years, height 170.4±5.63 cm, and weight 66.85±11.95 kg) who exercise regularly. With the one within-subjects variable design, subjects are administered the interval running test with four stages of magnitudes (6.7-2.7m/s) on the treadmill, and later, their time of exercising maintenance, time of recovery, and maximum oxygen uptakes are measured. Result: The CRI (5.98±4.38) of lowest strength and longest running time has significantly greater than the others (4.00±2.76、3.96±2.75、3.75±2.26)with greater intensity and that doesn’t has statistical significantly correlate with the other two CRIs with greater intensity. The results show that the average CRI of these four stages and the total cardio-respiratory recovery index (TCRI) are 4.00±2.76, 3.96±2.75, 3.75±2.26, 5.98±4.38 and 4.26±2.49, when the maximum oxygen uptake is 49.62±6.89 ml/kg/mm. After calculating the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, it shows that the CR1 of each stage and the TCRI statistical significantly correlate with the maximum oxygen uptake (0.515, 0.673, 0.753, 0.734 and 0.817). Conclusion: The result of this study tells that CR1 and TCRI both can estimate the cardio-respiratory endurance efficiently. CRI can be interpreted as a person’s ability of cardio-respiratory recovery after running under a fixed intensity; TCRI can be interpreted as a person’s overall ability of recovery after different intensity (aerobic and anaerobic) of running.

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