  • 期刊


Research and Knowledge Production in Taiwan's Tourism Geography




The study of tourism geography has made considerable contributions to the field of tourism. However, most people are unfamiliar with the development of this discipline, or the resulting production and dissemination of knowledge. This study presents a review of the tourism geography literature to generate an analysis of the characteristics of knowledge production in the discipline, grouping studies in ten-year periods to comparing research methods, types and fields. We find six major shifts over time: recreational use of alpine land, survey and development of tourism resources, the development of environmental conservation and tourist awareness in national parks, criticism of capital accumulation and excessive land use, the development of ecotourism in the context of globalization and, in the past ten years, an emphasis on the sustainable development of cultural heritage. The research model relies on behavioral geography, and presents paradigm shift of four stages including traditional region-based studies, empirical research, critical research, and human and cultural perspectives. The results highlight the contribution of tourism geography to tourism development, the impact of academic politics on knowledge production and the importance of calls for action.


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