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Developing a Dietary Calculation Method for n-6 and n-3 Fatty Acids in Taiwan


目前國內少有針對膳食n-6及n-3脂肪酸進行探討,而國際間在分析膳食n-6及n-3脂肪酸時,其加總項目並無一定論。本研究目的在建立本土的n-6及n-3脂肪酸食品營養成份資料庫,了解國人n-6及n-3脂肪酸攝取狀況,並進一步模擬出符合n-6及n-3脂肪酸建議量之飲食型態。研究過程利用24小時飲食回憶,收集36位子女滿兩歲之父母的整日飲食內容,並運用本研究室研發之運算系統NUFOOD.2進行分析。結果發現,成人每日平均熱量攝取為1983 kcal,n-6/n-3比值為8.9。成人n-6及n-3脂肪酸主要食物來源為植物油類、牛肉類、蛋類、豬肉類及魚類。在飲食模擬的部分,若將受試者六大類食物調整成新版每日飲食指南建議份量,並在豆魚肉蛋類替換入12 g(約1/4掌心大)的鯖魚,或是95 g(約一個手掌大)的鱈魚,在油脂類則是替換入1茶匙的芥花油,則可達到n-6及n-3脂肪酸建議量,n-6/n-3攝取比值則降至5.1-5.3。針對國人n-3脂肪酸未達建議值的現象,建議提高富含EPA及DHA魚類的攝取,並增加富含C18:3 n-3植物油的使用,以維護國人的健康。


In this study, we established a domestic database of the nutritional composition of foods containing n-6 and n-3 fatty acids to determine the n-6 and n-3 fatty acid intake of the Taiwanese population and develop a diet that provides the recommended daily intake of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids. Data on the daily dietary intake of 36 men and women were collected by means of a 24-h dietary recall. Results showed that the average adult caloric intake was 1983 kcal, and the average n-6/n-3 ratio was 8.9. The main dietary sources of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids were vegetable oils, beef, eggs, pork, and fish. The diet simulation portion of the study determined that the recommended daily intake of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids could be reached and the dietary n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio could be lowered to 5.1 ~ 5.3 if participants (a) followed the recommended daily intake for the 6 major food groups in the new food guide model, (b) substituted 12 g of mackerel (approximately one-quarter of the size of one's palm) or 95 g of cod (approximately the size of one's palm) for an equal amount of the soybean/fish/meat/egg group, and (c) substituted 1 teaspoon of canola oil for the fats and oil group. To address the finding that Taiwanese people do not consume the recommended daily amount of n-3 fatty acids, we recommend that they increase their intake of fish rich in eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid and use vegetable oils rich in C18:3 n-3 to protect their health.
