  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on Taiwan Urologists' Images of Masculine Bodies




性別 威而剛 醫療化 泌尿醫學 身體 男性氣慨


There are many social forces contesting for expressing voices on masculine bodies, male body awareness and male body images. Amongst them, urology and its physicians are the ones actively and consciously managing and dominating the claims for the knowledge and medicine of masculine bodies. Especially in the past decades, many urologists apart from attending clinics and doing medical researches have been busy with public activities, such as appeared on TV, writing for newspapers and popular books and giving speeches, their achievement have been remarkable. The study is focused on the heterosexual discourses promoted by urologists from three resources: (A) The urologist study of Viagra and its critiques. The study based on I.I.E.F. questionnaires contains two distinct features, 'absence of women' and 'men deal with their own physiological reaction'. (B) The views on physicianpatients interaction based on interviews of four urologists. Four aspects are discussed: (1) the sexual anxiety men suffered. (2) premature ejaculation, biological evolution and feminist discourses. (3) history of illness, sexual politics and elderly male bodies. (4) the technoscien-zation in the profession of urology. (C) The popular writings by urologists from the 1950s to 1990s. This preliminary study is analyzed from the perspectives of feminist critiques on medicine and Foucaultian knowledge/power/discipline. In the conclusion, we propose three theoretical aspects for further studies: (1) Medicalisation and phallocentrism (2) Sexual bodies in partnership. (3) The politics of phallo-technology. We propose that medicalisation which divided bodies into 'normal/abnormal' should be reduced to minimum level. Sexual bodies in heterosexual relations should be viewed in the context of partnership rather than in soleship. The style of sexual bodies should be treated as a preference rather than medicalised normality/abnormality. If we see Viagra in the context of demedicalisation, it could become a special kind of vitamin which can be used for developing alternative 'sexual style' by elderly, homosexual and heterosexual users.


sex gender Viagra medicalization urology body masculinity


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