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Dissimilar Deficits of Facial and Prosodic Emotion Recognition in Patients with Schizophrenia in Taiwan



目的:精神分裂症病人在各種非語言情緒測量的表現都較健康參與者不佳。然而,在不同種族與文化所觀察到的特定性情緒缺失卻是不一致。採用本土化刺激可能有助於減少這些潛在的混淆因素。因此,本研究目的是採用一個本土化雙管道非語言工具,以檢驗台灣精神分裂症病人的非語言情緒辨識缺失之特性。方法:Diagnostic Analysis of Non-verbal Aaccuracy-2-Taiwan乃一本土化非語言情緒辨識能力之評估工具,本研究以之評估非語言情緒辨識正確率,比較26位精神分裂症病人與39位健康參與者在各情緒向度上之差異。結果:精神分裂症病人比較正常人,在負性情緒的辨識正確度較低,特別是顯著較低的憤怒臉部情緒(p < 0.01)與顯著較低的音韻情緒(p < 0.01),以及顯著較低的恐懼音韻情緒(p < 0.05)。結論:雖然、特定性情感缺失存在於不同文化中,但相對於恐懼或其他情緒,憤怒的音韻情緒缺失可能是台灣漢族精神分裂症特有的情緒辨識缺失。本文據此建議,適當的文化刺激工具可提供更細緻的情緒辨識缺失之測量。


Objective: Patients with schizophrenia perform generally worse on various nonverbal emotional measures than healthy participants. But inconsistency of emotion-specific difficulties has been observed among different ethnicities and cultures. Using native stimuli may help minimize these potential confounding factors. Thus, the objective of this study was to apply a culturally suitable, dual modality nonverbal instrument with native stimuli to examine emotional recognition deficits in Han Chinese patients with schizophrenia in Taiwan. Method: We developed the Diagnostic Analysis of Non-verbal Aaccuracy-2-Taiwan to evaluate nonverbal emotion recognition accuracy. We compared emotion cognition and cognitive reservoir between 26 patients with schizophrenia and 39 healthy study participants. Results: Patients with schizophrenia displayed less accuracy in negative emotion recognition, especially significantly less anger for both facial (p < 0.01) and prosodic (p < 0.01) emotions, and significantly less fear expression (p < 0.05) for prosodic modality compared to healthy study participants. Conclusion: Emotion-specific deficits might present across different cultures. Prosodic emotion recognition deficit, and specifically anger rather than fear or else recognition, may be a more culture-specific deficit for in schizophrenia in ethnic Han population. Culturally suitable stimuli might provide a more delicate measurement of emotion recognition deficits.


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