  • 期刊


Effects of Ball Sizes and Course-Taking Frequencies on Consecutive Forehand Drives in Table Tennis Physical Education & Hygienic Division, Hsuan Chuang University


本研究目的主要是在探討不同直徑大小桌球與選修次數對正手擊球連續對打表現之影響。研究對象以玄奘大學學生做為受試對象,篩選出88位學生做為分析對象,依性別區分男生46位、女生42位,將受試者兩人為一對(視為一個樣本)並隨機分為兩組,對照組使用40 mm 桌球練習,而實驗則組使用44 mm桌球練習。實驗所得資料利用成對樣本t 檢定與二因子變異數方法進行分析,獲得以下結果:一、無論實驗組或對照組,在正手擊球連續對打之表現(後測)均有顯著進步。二、「球體大小」與「修課次數」對桌球正手連續對打表現有交互作用影響。根據單純主要效果之分析發現,當使用40 mm球練習時,多次選修者與初次選修者的平均拍數會有顯著差異。從縮減學生學習成效差距之觀點來看,44 mm 球比40 mm球適合於採取不分級授課之桌球興趣選修課程。因為球體變大降低了球的速度與旋轉,對初次學習桌球者在判斷擊球位置及來球方向有很大的幫助。然而,若桌球興趣選修課採取分級授課時,則不同球體的使用對於縮減學生學習成效差距便無顯著影響效果。


This study was aimed to explore the effects of different ball sizes and course-taking frequencies on the performance of consecutive forehand drives in table tennis. In this study eighty-eight undergraduate students (46 male and 42 female) were participated, who were taking the table tennis as physical elective course in their spring semester, 2007, at Hsuan Chuang University. All the students were randomly assigned into experimental or control groups. The students in experimental group practiced consecutive forehand drives by 44 mm table tennis ball, while the students in the control group practiced that by 40 mm. First, the collected data was analyzed by matched-sample t-test for the performance difference of consecutive forehand drives between pre-course and post-course. Then the two-way ANOVA was conducted to analyze the impact of the main effects and interaction effects of ball sizes and course-taking frequency on the performance of consecutive forehand drives. The results indicate that (i) There was significant difference on the performance of consecutive forehand drives between pre-course and post-course test in both experimental and control groups respectively. (ii) There was also significant interactive effect in ball size and course-taking frequency. By the simple main effect analysis, the multiple courses taking subject with 40 mm ball has significant effects on the consecutive forehand drives. In view of minimizing the difference in learning performance skills among the students, the large balls (44 mm) seems to be more suitable than 40 mm ball in table tennis teaching at current status of class consisting of different levels of skill proficiency among students. Because, large balls could make it easier for beginners to judge the ball's direction and decide the hitting position so as to enhance the learning performance. However, if the table tennis courses were classified based on students' skill levels, the ball size wouldn't be a matter of minimizing the difference among students' learning performance.




