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Psychological Empowerment Enhances Changes in Sport Service Job Performance and Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Psychological Flexibility at Work



Research has suggested that experiencing higher psychological empowerment leads to greater work effectiveness. Less explored, however, is the impact that other observable psychological variables may have on empowered employees, potentially improving job performance and job satisfaction over time. Identifying potential boundary conditions can broaden the understanding of empowerment theory and enable sport managers to design more effective training for employees. Accordingly, this study aimed to examine the effects of individual differences in psychological flexibility at work in moderating the association between psychological empowerment and changes in job performance and job satisfaction. Data were collected from 12 civil sport centers with a two-wave, time-lagged investigation. The results indicated that when sports service industry employees possess a high degree of work-related psychological flexibility, the positive effects that a perception of psychological empowerment exerts on job performance and job satisfaction are even further enhanced. Drawing on our findings, we conclude that it is beneficial and important for sports service employees to have a high level of psychological flexibility at work, since this ability reinforces employees' intrinsic motivation in pursuing and achieving greater work outcomes over time. Therefore, sports service industry organizations can enhance employees' personal performance and job satisfaction through empowering their employees while recruiting employees who possess psychological resilience, and designing specific employee training interventions for those who do not.




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