  • 期刊


Economy Modernization of Metropolis in China: Headquarter Economy Strategy and the Choices for Local Government


當前中國進入城市化加速發展階段,一些發展較快的大城市在工業規模擴張的同時,土地、能源等資源短缺現象日益嚴重,交通、就業、環境等壓力日益加大,城市經濟、社會的可持續發展面臨嚴峻挑戰。總部經濟(Headquarter Economy)作為一種新的經濟模式,可以為大城市的城市功能提升,實現經濟現代化和可持續發展提供重要的戰略選擇。地方政府應強化公共服務功能,以營造環境為重點,通過完善公共基礎設施,提供政策公共產品,提升公共服務品質等,為總部經濟發展提供良好的發展環境。


China is undergoing a period of fast development of urbanization nowadays. With the fast growth and expansion of industry in some metropolis, the shortage of land and resources has become more and more severe and the pressure on transportation, employment and environment is growing heavier. The sustainable development of economy and society in metropolis is facing severe challenges. Headquarter economy, as a new kind of economy pattern, provides an important strategic choice for enhancing the urban functions and promoting the procedure of economy modernization and sustainable development. Local government should strengthen the function of public service and create a good environment for the development of headquarter economy by perfecting the public infrastructure, providing public policy goods and improving the quality of public service.
