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People's Perceptions of Democracy and Political Learning: A Comparative Study across Political Regimes




Popular attitudes toward democracy have become an important topic in political culture research. The cognitive aspect, however, has not received enough attention in contrast with the affective and evaluative ones. This paper aims to clarify people's perceptions of democracy across various types of political regimes and to explain how they can acquire their democratic understandings in different political environments by applying Converse's social learning model. Analyzing data from the 6th wave of the World Values Survey, this paper confirms that the cognitive difference, constructed by the intrinsic and instrumental dimensions, can recognize various types of political regimes more greatly than affective and evaluative attitudes. Also, our findings from multilevel models demonstrate that the average cognitive difference would be higher in old and new democracies than in electoral democracies and non-democracies (particularly in old democracies), and that respondents' cognitive difference can increase along with the more years of democratization in their countries. Moreover, both in old democracies and non-democracies, individuals' cognitive difference would enlarge as their age increases, reflecting that, in stable political environments, there is a stronger impact of individuals' lifetime learning in politics. By bringing the individual-level explanation into a comparative context, this paper can figure out the process of how individuals acquire democratic perceptions along with their life time.


中華民國統計資訊網(2015)。《國民所得及經濟成長統計資料庫》,http://statdb.dgbas.gov.tw/pxweb/Dialog/NI.asp。2015/10/30。(National Statistics, R.O.C (Taiwan) (2015). National Accounts. http://statdb.dgbas.gov.tw/pxweb/Dialog/NI.asp [2015/10/30].)
