  • 期刊


Relationship among Disconfirmation, Emotion, Satisfaction, and Loyalty in Runners


The purpose of this study was to verify the sports satisfaction model of Laura and Jose (2007). Totalizing 573 runners participating in the 2008 Chiayi Energies Road Running Participants were verifying the validity and reliability of the scale. The data were analyzed by statistic analysis such as frequencies, means, path analysis using computer program SPSS for windows 18.0 and LISREL 8.72. Results demonstrate: (1) a significant, direct, and positive effect of disconfirmation, emotions (pleasure, arousal) on satisfaction. A significant, direct, and positive effect of satisfaction on loyalty. Satisfaction as a mediator between disconfirmation, emotions (pleasure, arousal) and loyalty was also revealed in the findings. (2) a significant, direct, and positive effect of disconfirmation on emotions (pleasure, arousal), and satisfaction. A significant, direct, and positive effect of emotions (pleasure, arousal) on satisfaction, and satisfaction on loyalty. All paths in the model were significant (p<.05). After the analysis of LISREL, the suitability of the framework was fine and proves that the model is applicable for the research. The results of this research will be used as a reference to develop strategies for sport management.


The purpose of this study was to verify the sports satisfaction model of Laura and Jose (2007). Totalizing 573 runners participating in the 2008 Chiayi Energies Road Running Participants were verifying the validity and reliability of the scale. The data were analyzed by statistic analysis such as frequencies, means, path analysis using computer program SPSS for windows 18.0 and LISREL 8.72. Results demonstrate: (1) a significant, direct, and positive effect of disconfirmation, emotions (pleasure, arousal) on satisfaction. A significant, direct, and positive effect of satisfaction on loyalty. Satisfaction as a mediator between disconfirmation, emotions (pleasure, arousal) and loyalty was also revealed in the findings. (2) a significant, direct, and positive effect of disconfirmation on emotions (pleasure, arousal), and satisfaction. A significant, direct, and positive effect of emotions (pleasure, arousal) on satisfaction, and satisfaction on loyalty. All paths in the model were significant (p<.05). After the analysis of LISREL, the suitability of the framework was fine and proves that the model is applicable for the research. The results of this research will be used as a reference to develop strategies for sport management.




