  • 期刊


Cold Beverage Ingestion and Endurance Exercise Performance in the Heat




Exercise in a hot condition, increases in the core temperature and thermoregulatory strain are considered as the main factors of reducing exercise performance and inducing heat disease. Previous studies found that cold beverage ingestion could improve exercise performance due to several physiological mechanisms (e.g., decreases in core temperature, thermoregulatory strain, thermal sensation, and ratings of perceived exertion). Purpose and Methods: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cold beverage ingestion on endurance exercise performance through reviewing previous studies. Results and Conclusion: Cold beverage ingestion may benefit the endurance exercise performance, such as running or cycling, in the heat, regardless of drinking prior to or during exercise. Ingestions of ice slurry (-1 to 1.4°C, 550-600 ml) within 30 min before exercise or cold water (4°C) with drinking rate from 1.00 to 1.26 L.hr-1 during exercise may be a useful strategy to increase endurance exercise performance.


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