  • 期刊


Studies on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Taiwan


企業組織最珍貴的創新和競爭資源即為那些超越資本、技術之有形或有價資產的人力資源。強調人力密集化、服務專業化的觀光餐旅業若欲保持良好的服務品質,除了產品之外,亦取決於員工所呈現的服務表現與態度,故經營的成敗與否操之在員工。與顧客有直接接觸的第一線服務人員,應該具備有助於組織或他人的角色外之組織公民行為,才能提昇組織效能的目標。此外,國外針對組織公民行為(organizational citizenship behavior)相關議題的學術研究如雨後春筍般遞增,反觀國內探討此議題的研究是從1992年開始,而針對觀光餐旅業組織公民行為的研究卻是在2000年之後才被提及與重視,故觀光餐旅業組織公民行為的相關議題之研究仍有很大的成長空間。本研究旨在回顧過去以觀光餐旅業組織公民行為的相關研究論著,並以內容分析法評析近十五年來(1991~2006年)國內博碩士學位論文與觀光管理類學術期刊,析論組織公民行為研究在各種研究典範之應用與側重面向,希冀能夠提供觀光餐旅業管理者未來從事人力資源管理之新思維。因此,本研究之研究目的有二:(1)檢視近十五年來觀光餐旅業組織公民行為研究的內涵與發展趨勢;(2)提出未來組織公民行為在觀光餐旅業之研究方向與內涵。


For the enterprise, the most precious resources of innovation and competition are the valuable human resources that surpass the capital and technology. If hospitality and tourism industries which are labor intensive and highlight professional service desired to maintain good service quality, except for the products, it was decided by staffs' service performance and attitude. Whether the business was successful or not depended on the staffs, so the frontline employees should possess the characteristics of extra-role behaviors which are helpful to the organization or colleagues to raise the goal and efficiency of the organization. The researches worldwide focused on organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) had grown up rapidly for a long time, on the contrary, the researches exploring this issue had just begun since 1992 in Taiwan. And, for this issue on tourism and hospitality industry, it was discussed and valued in 2000. Therefore, the relevant researches on OCBs still spare much room to be explored. In this study, content analysis was mainly utilized to review academic researches and master and doctoral degree theses for the past fifteen years (1991-2006). Furthermore, to analyze and appreciate the research paradigm which was applied and emphasized in OCBs researches. Hopefully, it can provide new insight of human resource management for tourism and hospitality industry. The major purposes of this study are twofold: (1) to examine the connotation and the developing trend of OCBs researches of tourism and hospitality industry in the past fifteen years; (2) to provide future research directions of OCBs of tourism and hospitality industry.


