  • 期刊


Female Japanese's Description of Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period Taking Kyoko TAKAHASHI's work "女性に映じたる蓬莱ヶ島" as an Example


日本女性高橋鏡子(Kyoko TAKAHASHI)於日治時期跟隨丈夫遷移至殖民地台灣,並定居長達八年。本身是教育工作者的高橋鏡子,雖非以文筆維生的專業作家,卻詳實地將她在台灣的生活經驗、對台灣社會的觀察與見解,以及對殖民地社會的理想與抱負記錄下來。透過她的觀察與描述,除了得知當時日本人在台灣的實際生活狀態之外,也可以了解他們是以何種觀點與角度來觀察殖民地社會。在來台之前,高橋鏡子曾居住在中國三年之久。因此初到台灣時,她經常沿用對中國的印象來認識、理解台灣,並比較兩者間的差異。而隨著她在台生活經驗的增長,她對台灣的看法也日益轉變。而日常生活中的實際經驗,除了加深她對台灣社會各種層面的認知之外,也有讓她感到失望與不滿的地方,這些不滿也逐漸改變她對台灣社會的看法。以教育工作者自居的高橋鏡子來台之後,始終致力於殖民地的教育工作,深信透過教育可以感化並教導台灣的民眾。而她最終的目標則是期待將台灣建設成更加美好與富足的社會,並藉由如此之建設吸引更多的日本人前來定居,促使台灣為宗主國日本發揮殖民地的最大功能,在政治、經濟、國防、軍事等各方面貢獻所長。


Kyoko TAKAHASHI followed her husband, a professional solider, and moved to Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period, where they lived for 8 years. Although not a writer about rather an educational worker, she recorded elaborately on her life experience in Taiwan, her observation and slant about Taiwanese society, and what her ideal colonial society should be like. Through her description and observation, not only can we get a glimpse of the real Japanese daily life in Taiwan, but also understand how the Japanese observe Taiwan. Before coming to Taiwan, Kyoko TAKAHASHI has had the experience of living in China for 3 years. As a result, at the beginning of her stay in Taiwan, she used her impression of China to see Taiwan, and compared the differences between the two. But with her life experience in Taiwan grew, her thoughts about Taiwanese society has changed as well. There are certain aspects of Taiwanese society that she appreciates and wants to know deeper, but also some parts that make her disappointed. Taking her job seriously, she devoted herself to the education of Taiwan and believed that she can contribute to make Taiwan a more prosperous society. Her ultimate goal is to attract more Japanese to move to Taiwan and construct Taiwan together, hoping it will have more positive effects on Japan’s politics and economy.
