  • 學位論文


Making a Dream Captured: The Revolting Agents of Philippine Indigenous Movement

指導教授 : 林開世


這是一本談論菲律賓跨國原住民族運動的抗爭研究民族誌。雖然說是抗爭研究,卻並不只是單向的從抗爭角度切入而已,我更試圖將國家治理的面向拉進來一起討論。而在這裡我主要對話的對象會是 James Scott,他在馬來西亞的農民抗爭研究講的是外來的資本主義生產方式進入到地方以後,窮人如何因著其與富人相互依存的關係在日常生活中抵抗,藉此抵抗達到制衡甚至改變富人權力實踐的效果。菲律賓自 1980 年代後期推動一連串去中心化、私有化的治理政策改革,這些舉措同樣改變了宰制者與被宰制者間的關係;只不過菲律賓這個田野的現象又更為複雜,因為運動者同時也嘗試進來利用同樣的機制推行其組織動員工作,他們更試圖要與政府爭奪主導權。當居民不願意輕言放棄國家能夠給予他們的發展機會,也沒有要完全接受運動者所欲構築的未來生活圖像,他們便嘗試透過日常反抗形式的手段,既不與國家為敵,也還是能夠取得運動者所帶入的資源。更重要的是,他們希望藉此改變國家與開發公司原先在開發計畫申請過程中的蠻橫作為,同時又可以在國家和運動者之間夾縫中求自主。在這樣的基礎上,我將透過探究國家與運動者兩種權力的運作模式,同時那些被打造出來的權力主體究竟是怎麼樣回應宰制者各項社會計畫的召喚與動員。這樣的切入角度有助於我們重新檢視 1980 年代由 James Scott 開創出來的學術理路,透過抗爭研究釐清霸權以及治理性概念在當代面臨的新課題。


This is an ethnography of international indigenous movement in the Philippines. The aim of the study is to understand the indigenous movement not only from the aspects of resistance, but also from the aspects of governance. Based on this concern, I would like to reflect on the concept of the “everyday forms of resistance.” Especially since the Philippine government started to revise the local government code and the other related policies in the late 1980s, the relationship between the dominant and the oppressed are changed a lot. That is, both government and activists use NGO/PO as their organizing mechanism, and it causes the locals neither identify who to fight nor who to cooperate with. According to the phenomenon, I argue that the locals would use the everyday forms of resistance as their strategies to make sure they would get the most safty or benefit when they are in the slot between the government and the activists. Therefore, I would like to describe how the government and activist established their power relations between the locals. Then, how the locals considered and practiced within these two different power relations. Finally, I tried to reflect on the concept of the “everyday forms of resistance” and even the issue about the hegemony and governance.


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