  • 學位論文


Network Governance of Rural Social Enterprises:The Case of Love2Fruit’s “Dining Tables in The Fields”

指導教授 : 陳良治


全球化下的糧食危機使人們不得輕忽農村的角色。至今,農村議題持續發燙,卻失去方向地迷失在各種風潮裡。政府和市場顛簸失衡於現代社會的種種議題,新組織型態社會企業被視為替代方案。所謂農村型社會企業也被視為是對農村議題有更好詮釋的替代方法,本文試圖分析社會企業與其網絡成員間治理機制。2012年,社會企業「幸福果食」,推出「稻田裡的餐桌計畫」,以走跳島嶼上的秘密農漁村景點,運用地方食材和農村意象包裝成驚喜饗宴,試圖透過此行動喚醒人們心中的農村價值。本研究藉由參與觀察與深度訪談,研究「稻田裡的餐桌計畫」實踐過程中,如何在社會企業有效率地動員各地方資源,並於多元行動者間取得平衡治理模式。 本研究發現餐桌計畫網絡屬於領導組織治理的網絡(Lead Organization-Governed Networks),所以此網絡得以高效率達成網絡目標。網絡核心幸福果食運用市場、階層、社會關係與價值認同等四種網絡治理機制,多重且並進在網絡內交互運用。而原先仰賴價值認同治理的社會企業,面臨組織擴張時的治理危機,必須轉向傳統治理手段以穩定組織運作。此外,為持續擴大社會影響力,需依據地方社會特性採取合適的社會創新擴散策略。而本研究中的社會創新移轉之案例,顯示社會企業為維繫營運會採取分支策略(Branching)移轉社會創新至農村社區。


The food crisis under globalization makes it hard for people to neglect the role of rural villages. The rural issues consistently have been discussed but seemed to have lost in many directions. As the government or market have been observed to work ineffectively in dealing with some problems resulted from modern society, this thesis aims to enhance our understandings regarding a new form of business organization, namely, the social enterprise, that has been observed to be one alternatinve mean to address rural issues. Specifically, it focuses on examining the governance mechanisms between social enterprises and their networked partners and uses a recent emerged Taiwanese social enterprise, Love2fruit, as the study case. In 2012, Love2fruit initiated a “Dining Tables in the Fields” project which serves feasts with local ingredients combined with unique rural experiences in the hope of evoking values of Taiwan’s rual villages. Based on data collected through participatory observation and in-depth interviews, this study particularly discusses how this rural social enterprise mobilize network resources required in undertaking its various “Dining Tables in the Fields” projects. According to this study, multiple governance mechanisms- market, hierarchy, social relations and value identity are identified that contribute to effective operation of Love2fruit-led networks in these projects. It is particularly noted that the governance mechanism might shift from value identity to the other traditional mechanisms when the social enterprise is confronted with the challenges resulted from organization expansion. Besides, in order to scale its social impacts, we also found that a social enterprise would employ different innovation-spreading strategies according to specific local contexts. Furthermore, as shown in our cases, to sustain its organization and business a social enterprise might adopt the branching strategy in the project of transferring innovation practices into rural villages.


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