  • 學位論文


Adaptability Investigation and Influence Factors Analysis on The Plants in Pavilion of Future

指導教授 : 張育森


未來館是臺灣北部最重要的展覽型溫室,是融合「綠建築」及「大溫室」的特色建築,有許多特別的設計。館內蒐集大量植物,營造不同地理環境與生態,展現多種植物主題。然對於多樣的環境及數量眾多、生長特性差異極大的植栽,如何選擇植栽、配置並適當維護管理,成為展覽型溫室運作和經營的關鍵。期望透過調查館內各區域環境條件及評估植栽生長狀況,建立未來館內重要植栽生長資料,並配合相關試驗研究,評估出個別植栽適應性,並調查館內維護管理資料,分析植栽生長不良因素,以提供後續植栽更換、配置及維護管理之依據,亦可提供做為其他展覽型溫室內選擇植栽種類及維管時之參考。 此研究共計調查未來館內133科538種(含品種)植栽。結果顯示植栽種類最多的前五科分為仙人掌科(含品種52種)、大戟科(25種)、天南星科(23種)、龍舌蘭科(19種)與薔薇科(15種)。六次外觀適應性分級的結果總平均為3.9分,評比優於平均的區為多肉植物區(4.41分)、原生植物區(4.04分)和亞熱帶植物區(4.01分),而評比低於平均的區為熱帶植物區(3.8分)、高山植物區(3.8分)、溫帶植物區(3.7分)和蘭花與蕨類展示區(3.17分)。總結果以2014年4月最終調查為準,適應性好的植物(屬於Ⅰ、Ⅱ級)約占66.3%;適應性一般的植物(屬於Ⅲ級)約占14.4%,明顯不適應的植物(屬於Ⅳ、Ⅴ級)約為13.6%,調查期間死亡種類約占5.7%。調查結果顯示,館內植栽適應性和植栽種類特性、配置位置、維護管理及死亡率有明顯相關性,但與植栽科別並無明顯相關性。 館內環境調查結果顯示,風速多為1級風(0.3 - 1.5 m•s-1),屬合適範圍,僅多肉植物區入口風速達2級風,對植物生長不利。熱帶植物區岩壁頂、多肉植物區及高山植物區岩壁上的平均濕度均低於設定值,其中熱帶植物區岩壁頂濕度變化最為劇烈,其餘各區的平均相對濕度高於80%。大溫室區樹冠層光照充足,但夏季有極端高溫問題,不利於植物生長。多數展示區內溫度、光照尚適合植物生長,但對某些植物種類如多肉植物而言光照明顯不足。土壤硬度測值結果介於6-18 mm間,適合植物生長。水份方面,除熱帶植物區岩壁上植栽有嚴重缺水情形,各展區土壤水分含量多數適合植物生長。pH值平均介於5.59-6.48間,屬適合的範圍。而土壤EC值則遠低於標準值,使植栽容易有營養失調情況。 維護管理調查結果顯示,自動澆灌設備澆灌效果不均勻,造成部分區域有土壤過乾或澆水過多的問題。人工澆水次數及水量對多數展區已足夠,但對蘭花與蕨類展示區及熱帶植物區岩壁植栽明顯不足。整體植栽修剪工作仍須再加強,對生長勢弱植株修剪及過度截剪需更注意。溫度高,蟲害問題多,濕度高易有病害問題。因為館內環境複雜、植物種類多,常讓各種病蟲害防治效果有限。各展區土壤養分不足則是長期未適當施肥的結果。 施肥處理調查結果顯示,不同植栽種類、施肥處理方式及不同缺肥程度,對於失調症狀改善的效果有很大的影響。總結試驗結果葉面施肥效果較差,整體效果不如土壤施肥,又有肥傷的顧慮。土壤施用液肥雖有較佳的效果,但仍有養分易因澆水而流失及操作繁雜等問題,故綜合考量下仍建議不宜完全採用液態肥料。為有利植栽永續經營,建議維護管理者應隨時根據植物特性、現場植栽生長狀況和土壤肥力情況等,正確合理的加強植栽維護管理工作。


The Future Pavilion is considered the most important exhibition greenhouse in northern Taiwan. It is characteristic of combining the concept of green building and gigantic greenhouse. Geological and ecological environments were recreated by planting many plantations. Nevertheless, continuous running of the show room relays on proper maintainance and slelction of the plantation. This study investigates all the mimic environments in the greenhouse and evaluates the plant growth conditions to build up the important plant cultivation reference for The Future Pavilion. In addition, the original maintenance database for plant is reviewed to analyze the reasons for poor plant growth and served for future references. The investigation includes 538 plant species within 133 genus. The five largest number of plant families are Cactaceae (52 species), Euphorbiaceae (25 species), Araceae (23 species), Agavaceae (19 species), and Rosaceae (15 species), respectively. The average rating for plant appearance quality is 3.9 (full score = 5). The native plant area (4.04), subtropical area (4.01) and the succulent garden (4.41) had higher rating than average, whereas the tropical area (3.80), mountainous area (3.80), temperate area (3.7), and orchids and fern area (3.17) were lower than average. Based on the Apr 2014 final investigation, the percentages of well-adapted plants (level I and II), fairly-adapted plants (level III), poor-adapted plants (level IV and V) and dead plants among all investigated species were 66.3%, 14.4%, 13.6%, and 5.7%, respectively. The adaptive quality of plants is found highly correlated to plant characteristics, growing location, maintenance quality, and mortality rate, but not the family or species classification. Growing condition had wind speed ranged as 0.3-1.5 m/s (level 1) in most of the places in the greenhouse. Greater wind speed (level 2) was only found at the entrance of the succulent area, which negatively affects the plant growth. The relative humidity (RH) at the top of the crag, the succulent area, and the crag in alpine plant area were lower than average, whereas the rest of the areas have average RH higher than 80%. Adequate light condition was found at the canopy layer in the greenhouse, but extreme high temperature also occurs here in the summer. The light condition and the temperature investigated are found suitable for the growth for most of the plants, but the light was insufficient for succulents. Soil hardiness ranged from 6 to 18 mm and was suitable for plant growth. Regarding to the water condition, all the soil water contents meet the proper range for most of the plants, except that the crag has severe water insufficiency. The pH ranged 5.59-6.48. However, soil EC was found greatly lower than the standard in many of the places and resulted in several nutrient issues. According to the investigation of the maintenance quality, the auto-irrigation facilities did not irrigate evenly, causing either the problem of water deficiency or over-watering. For manual irrigation, the frequency and the irrigation amount were adequate for the plants in most of the exhibition areas but not for the orchid and fern area, and the crags. The general quality of pruning management should be more improved, particularly the pruning for the poorly-grown plants and the heavy pruning. High temperature resulted in more pest problems, and high humidity resulted in more disease problems. Due to complex environments and plant species, pest and disease control were ineffective. The low soil fertility was caused by long-term inproper fertilization. Regarding to the fertilization quality, plant species, fertilization methods, and different degrees of nutrient insufficiency all significantly affect the results of the recovery treatments for nutrient-deficient plants. Leaf spray fertilization was less effective than direct fertigation on soil surface and might cause salt injury. Fertigation might be benefitial to plants, but also had leaching and complicated handling problems. Thus, water soluble fertilizers are not suggested to be used solely for fertilization. In order for continuous operation, mangers were recommended to maintain plants with proper treatments according to plant characteristics, present growth conditions, and soil ferttility.


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