  • 學位論文

1. 旋環雙芴雙極性分子之合成與性質 2. 可調放光波長之芴類衍生物合成與性質

The synthesis and properties of 9,9’-spirobifluorene-configured bipolar systems. 2. Synthesis and properties of color tunable fluorene-based materials.

指導教授 : 汪根欉


中文摘要 本文分為兩部分,第一部分是以旋環雙芴(spirobifluorene)為核心結構之雙極性分子之合成與應用。在旋環雙芴上面引入不同數目的電子予體(D)和電子受體(A),分別合成出D2A2、D2A1、D1A2、D1A1這些旋環雙芴之雙極性分子。D為推電子性質的三芳香環胺類,A為一個拉電子性質的oxadiazole基團。 這一系列旋環雙芴之雙極性分子,在光物理性質中發現分子在激發態時有電荷轉移(Charge transfer)。藉由電化學實驗中得知,不同數目的電子予體和電子受體,會有不一樣之氧化電位和還原電位。利用此特性,分別調控分子HOMO及LUMO之能階位置,有策略性的改變分子之能階差(band gap),調控其電荷轉移之放光波長。 第二部分是可調控放光波長之芴類衍生物合成與性質,本研究是從芴的三聚物衍生出來,根據本實驗室研究成果得知,芴的三聚物是很好的藍光材料,具有高量子產率、熱穩定性佳等特性。特別是芴基之9號位置為聯苯和甲苯基取代之化合物,其熱裂解溫度高達550 oC。亦因此一特性,在本系列之分子設計上採取9號位置取代為聯苯和甲苯基之芴基為外圍基團,而中心結構則引入不同的發光基團;分子合成部分可利用Suzuki偶合反應,建構出不同的中心分子與芴混成之新型衍生物。 這類分子在光物理性質上的差異,主要因為中心分子的結構不同。改變不同的中心結構,會影響整個寡聚物的共軛長度及電子特性,藉此達到調控其放光波域。這些材料還保有芴的三聚物之優點,例如:高量子產率、好的熱穩定性及高的玻璃轉換溫度,具有極佳的潛力可應用在OLED之發光層,也具有應用於紅光磷光之主體材料(Host material)的潛力,這將是未來要繼續研究探討的課題。


Abstract There are two parts in the thesis. The first part is the synthesis and properties of 9,9’-spirobifluorene-configured bipolar systems. Triphenylamine is chosen as a donor, and oxadiazole moiety is chosen as a acceptor. The different numbers of donors and acceptor have been introduced to give oligoaryls(D2A2、D2A1、D1A2、D1A1). The photoinduced electron transfer is observed in all of the bipolar system. Their electrical and photophysical properties are characterized with different numbers of donor and acceptor, and the molecular band gap can be well-tuned by altering the number of donor and acceptor respectively. The second part is the synthesis and properties of color tunable fluorene-based materials. Based on previous our research results, tertfluorene derivatives are excellent blue emitters with high quantum yield, thermal stability, and etc. The thermal decomposition temperature of 9-biphenyl-9-phenyl-fluorene containing terfluorene is 550 oC. Due to the high thermal stability, we apply 9-biphenyl-9-phenyl-fluorene as a terminal group. Thus a series of novel compounds were synthesized by Suzuki coupling reaction with different core units. The physical properties of these novel oligoaryls were investigated and correlated to with different structural characteristics of the core units.


solar cell OLED


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