  • 學位論文


The Research of Affects of Consumer Innovative Traits and Imitative Traits to New Product Adoption Process:A Case Study on Digital Set Top Box

指導教授 : 白滌清
共同指導教授 : 沈景茂(Chang-Mao Shen)


本研究以有線電視數位機上盒(DSTB)為對象,探討消費者創新與模仿特質對新產品採用程序的影響,主要研究目的為:(1)探討消費者的創新特質與模仿特質對新產品採用程序的影響;(2)探討消費者的創新特質及模仿特質與不同生活型態集群之關聯;(3)探討消費者的創新特質及模仿特質與人口統計變數之關聯。 研究以東森媒體科技旗下有線電視收視戶為研究母體,抽樣範圍包括東森旗下13家有線電視系統經營區內有線電視收視戶,總計1,049,511收視戶。本研究採用分層抽樣法進行抽樣,共發出1,796份問卷,回收1,796份,有效問卷總計1,290份,有效問卷填答率為71.83%。其中北區有效回卷數計824份,佔63.88%,中區有效回卷數計160份,佔12.4%,南區有效回卷數計306份,佔23.72%。 研究結果發現,消費者在新產品的採用程序上,受消費者的創新及模仿特質影響。以不同生活型態將消費者分為傳統活躍、科技時尚與守舊保守三個集群,各集群消費者創新與模仿特質的組合也完全不同。因此,使用創新及模仿分數作為分群基礎,亦可達到市場區隔的效果,而形成不同的目標市場。進一步將生活型態集群與創新及模仿特質搭配應用,可以更精確描述各集群的特徵。


This study focuses primarily on the digital set top box, trying to explore the affects of consumer innovative traits and imitative traits to new product adoption process. The purposes of this study are (1) Explore the affects of consumer innovative traits and imitative traits to new product adoption process; (2) Explore the relations between of consumer innovative traits and imitative traits and cluster by different lifestyle; (3) Explore the relations between of consumer innovative traits and imitative traits and different variables of population statistics. Research population of this study is EMC cable TV subscribers. Islandwide, EMC has 13 SOs with a majority stake. It serves 1049511 cable TV subscribers. The research was executed by questionnaire survey. The research survey was conducted in stratified sampling for EMC cable TV subscribers, the size of the sample is 1290, in which the sample distribution by area, and the valid return rate is 71.83%. For the area distribution of the sample, proportion of north area is 63.88%, central area is 12.4% and south area is 23.72%. Results of this study find that new product adoption process affects by consumers innovative traits and imitative traits. Three types of lifestyle were found, namely: Tradition-Active, Technology-Fashion Style, and Cautious-Conservative, and collect while dividing consumers into cluster with different lifestyle. The cluster also have different innovate and imitate traits. Hence, use innovate and imitate index, can also separate market, and form different goal markets. The cluster of lifestyle will match application with innovate and imitate traits, can describe that each collects the characteristic of group more accurately.


1.Bass, F. M., 1969. A New Product Growth for Model Consumer Durables, Management Science, 15: 215-227.


