  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Middle-Aged and Older People’s Personality, Social Support, Coping Style, and Quality of Life in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李仁豪


本研究旨在瞭解台灣中老年人人格特質、社會支持、因應型態與生活品質的關係。研究屬於橫斷面問卷調查,研究樣本為臺灣地區(含澎湖)653的位中老年人,其中中年人有442位,老年人有211位。研究工具包含「人格特質問卷」、「社會支持量表」、「Brief-COPE」,以及「世界衛生組織生活品質問卷」。所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與結構方程模式進行統計分析及檢定。研究結果整理如下: 一、國內中老年人的生活品質現況:中年人在生理健康、心理感覺、與他人的關係、對生活環境的滿意程度皆優於老年人。 二、國內中老年人的人格特質現況:中年人外向性得分較高,表示中年人比老年人來的善交際、群居性、愛說話和主動活躍。老年人的神經質得分較高,表示老年人較中年人來的容易緊張、過度擔心、不擅長控制自己的負面情緒、有非理性的想法、較多身心困擾及無效的行為因應。 三、國內中老年人之社會支持現況:中年人獲得較多情緒支持、訊息支持、社會整合,以及整體社會支持。 四、國內中老年人的因應型態現況:中年人在遇到困擾或壓力時,傾向以採取行動、幽默與接受、尋求支持的正向因應方式,老年人在遇到困擾或壓力時,傾向使用放棄與自責、否認與分心的負向因應方式。 五、除性別之外,經濟狀況、健康情形、教育程度與婚姻狀態等背景變項皆會影響生活品質。 六、人格特質、社會支持、因應型態與生活品質之結構方程模式大致獲得支持,唯外向性人格特質與負向因應型態間的路徑關係不顯著,推測可能與社會支持的中介和樣本的特性有關。以下簡述其結果: (一) 人格特質、社會支持、因應型態皆會直接影響生活品質。 (二) 人格特質也可直接影響社會支持和因應型態,唯外向性人格特質與負向因應型態間的路徑關係不顯著,推測可能與社會支持的中介和樣本的特性有關。 (三) 人格特質會透過社會支和因應型態間接影響生活品質。 (四) 社會支持會直接影響因應型態,也可透過因應型態間接影響生活品質。 最後,本研究提供建議予中老年人與未來的研究。 關鍵字:人格特質、社會支持、因應型態、生活品質、中老年人


The purpose of the research is to explore the relationship among middle-aged and older people’s personality, social support, coping style, and quality of life in Taiwan. This is a cross-sectional study and there were 653 participants (442 middle-aged people and 211 older people) from Taiwan, including Penghu country. The instruments applied in this study are EPQ (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire), the revised version of ISSB (Inventory of Social Support Behavior), Brief-COPE, and WHOQOL-BREF (Taiwan version). The collected deta were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, pearson product-moment correlation and structural equation modeling (SEM). The results were as fowllows: 1. Middle-aged people reported significantly higher scores than did older people in all dimentions of WHOQOL-BREF. 2. Middle-aged people reported significantly higher scores than did older people in extoversion scale of EPQ; older people reported significantly higher scores than did middle-aged people in neuroticism scale of EPQ. 3. Middle-aged people reported significantly higher scores than did older people in emotional support scale, guidance support scale, social activity support and overall social support scale of ISSB. 4. Middle-aged people reported that they are prone to adopt positive coping style when facing problems; but older people reported that they are prone to adopt negative coping style when facing problems. 5. The demographic variables of age, income, health, education, and marriage state had significantly effects on quality of life except gender. 6. The SEM of personalty, social support, coping style and qualityof life can fit the data mostly that researcher had collected. The main findings of this study were as follows: (1) Personality, social support, and coping style had direct effects on quality of life. (2) Personality had direct effects on both social support and coping style, but the path of exetroversion personality to negative coping style is not significant, this unexpected result may be affected by the mediation of social support or the character of samples. (3) Personality had indirect effect on quality of life via social support and coping style. (4) Social support had direct effect on coping style; it also had indirect effect on quality of life via coping style. Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for middle-aged and older people and further studies. Keywords: personalty, social support, coping style, quality of life, middle-aged and older people


李仁豪、余民寧(in press):台灣中老年人外向性及神經質人格、社會支持與主觀幸福感關係之模型建構及其結構係數比較。教育心理學報。
