  • 學位論文


Synthesis of Heavy Metal Adsorbents Using Incinerator Ash Based Slag

指導教授 : 鄭大偉


本研究以水淬熔渣為主要原料,分別製成多孔性之合成沸石及無機聚合材料,探討其應用於重金屬吸附之可行性。第一部份係以水淬熔渣和鹼性溶液為原料,依照固定的配比混合,使其硬化成形為無機聚合吸附劑。而後將其破碎,取一定粒度範圍(14 – 16 mesh),探討添加不同 SiO2/Na2O 及 SiO2/Al2O3 莫耳比之鹼性溶液,對無機聚合吸附劑之性質及對吸附重金屬 ( Cu2+、Cd2+、Pb2+ ) 能力之影響。研究結果顯示,無機聚合材料對重金屬具有良好的吸附效果,低 SiO2/Na2O 莫耳比之無機聚合材料對吸附重金屬效果較佳。 第二部份係以水淬熔渣(-200 mesh)作為合成沸石之原料,添加氫氧化鈉溶液和矽酸鈉溶液作為礦化劑使用,以水熱作用進行合成。探討不同礦化劑及合成時間對合成沸石產物之基本性質以及吸附重金屬( Cu2+、Cd2+、Pb2+ )效果之影響。實驗結果顯示,利用含 SiO2 量為 16.38 % 之礦化劑及合成時間為 2 小時,可得方沸石產物,其對重金屬 ( Cu2+、Cd2+、Pb2+ ) 有良好之吸附效果。 利用無機聚合材料及方沸石作為吸附劑,針對不同反應時間、重金屬初始濃度及反應溫度之參數,探討其吸附能力之變化,並且利用動力學相關模式以及等溫吸附曲線,試述其吸附行為。結果顯示,在吸附過程中無機聚合材料與方沸石皆是以離子交換作用,並且係屬於自發性吸熱反應。


After thermal plasma treatment, incinerator ash turns into vitreous and amorphous quenched slag. This treatment improves the ashes volume and the toxics stability so that the quenched slag can be a stable materials for reusable resource. The porous material is often used as adsorbent, such as zeolite, silica gel, and clay. The present work on utilizing geopolymer and synthetic zeolite manufactured by incinerator ash based slag for sorption of heavy metal ions, such as Cu+2, Cd+2 and Pb+2. The pore structure of geoploymer is similar to zeolite. But there are a few researchs about geopolymer as adsorbents. In this study, geopolymer is prepared by mixing quenched slag powder and alkaline solution at 60℃. Different molar ratios of SiO2/Na2O and SiO2/Al2O3 in the alkaline solution could affect the characteristics and adsorption capacity of geopolymer. The experimental results show that the geopolymer with the molar ratio of SiO2/Na2O = 0.75 has the best adsorption capacity. Incinerator ash based slag powder was also used to synthesize analcime by hydrothermal reaction using sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate at 200°C for 2 h. The removal heavy metal ions(Cu2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+) performance in aqueous solution was investigated by geopolymer and analcime. Batch experiments were employed to evaluate the influential parameters such as conditioning time, initial metal ions concentration and conditioning temperature on the process. The pseudo-second order kinetics model has been employed to describe those experiment data. The sorption data fit the Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin–Radushkevich (D–R) isotherms. The sorption energy (Es) was found to be 10.1 – 21.32 kJ/mol by calculated rate constant of D-R isotherm, indicating that the adsorption process proceeds by ion exchange. Thermodynamic parameters, such as the changes in standard free energy (△G°), enthalpy (△H°) and entropy (△S°) have also been evaluated and the results show that the sorption process was spontaneous and endothermic in nature. The experimental results were assessed potential adsorption capacity of geopolymer and analcime. Heavy metals adsorbent was made from incinerator ash based slag which could be applied to waste water treatment in the future.


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