  • 學位論文


The Self-esteem, Social Support and Hope of the Elderly in the Public Long-term Care Facilities in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 鍾信心


本研究目的在探討安養機構老人自尊、社會支持與希望狀態,及人口學特性、自尊、社會支持與希望之相關。採橫斷式相關性之研究設計,以立意取樣,以高雄市政府社會局仁愛之家及位於屏東市內政部南區老人之家二家公立安養機構的老年住民為研究對象,共計收案100名。研究工具為結構式問卷,內容包括:(一)基本資料;(二)自尊量表;(三)社會支持量表;(四)希望量表。資料分析採用描述性統計、t檢定、皮爾森積差相關分析。 研究結果發現:(1)安養機構老人希望狀態呈現中等程度,希望感三個向度以「正向準備與期待」及「相互關聯」最佳,「暫時性與未來」最差。(2)安養機構老人自尊狀態呈現中等程度。(3)工作人員提供的社會支持以「尊重」、「訊息性支持」最多,「社會化」、「情感性支持」最少;來自家人提供的社會支持以「尊重」、「訊息性支持」最多,「實質性支持」、「情感性支持」最少;來自院友提供的社會支持以「尊重」、「社會化」最多,「實質性支持」、「情感性支持」最少。(4)有固定參與宗教者、自覺身體健康狀況良好者、可獨立完成日常生活活動者其希望感較高。(5)自尊狀態越佳、社會支持越佳其希望感越高。 依據研究結果,建議老年住民參與院內或院外的宗教活動尋求心靈寄託;積極鼓勵失能老人參與復健活動,增進其自我照顧能力,灌注希望感;安排合適老人健康狀況的運動及活動提升老人自覺健康狀態;找出老人目前生活關注的焦點,協助設立生活目標與擬定生活計畫。機構人員在照護時應主動察覺及找出阻礙住民希望感與影響自尊狀態低落的原因,給予個別化的護理措施,並加強工作人員、家人及院友的社會支持,能提升安養機構老年住民的希望感。


自尊 機構老人 社會支持 希望感


The purpose of this study is to explore the self-esteem, social support and hope of the elderly in the long-term care facilities, and the relationships among the personal demographic data, self-esteem, social support, and hope. A cross-sectional and descriptive correlational design was conducted. There were 100 elderly selected from two government-funded living facilities in Kaohsiung and Pingtung cities. Four structured questionnaires were used including: (1) Personal Demographic Data, (2) Self-Esteem Scale, (3) Social Support Scale, (4) Herth Hope Scale. The data collected from these assessments were analyzed by using the descriptive statistics, t-test, and Pearson’s correlation. The results of this study showed that: (1) The average hope shown by the elderly was just the medium level; “inner positive readiness and expectancy” and “interconnectedness with self and others” factors were the best, “inner sense of temporality and future” factor was the worst in the elderly’s hope. (2) The average self-esteem of the elderly was the medium level. (3) Of all the social support reported by the workers, “respectful” and “informational” support get much higher percentage; while “socialized” and “emotional” support get less. The family favor “respectful” and “informational” support than “tangible” and “emotional” support, while the residents from the living facilities agree “respectful” and “socialized” support more than “tangible” and “emotional” support. (4) Those with religious faiths, feeling they are in good health, can do their daily living activities independently and their senses of hope are generally higher. (5) The better the state of self-esteem is, the more support is given from the society, and the sense of hope gets higher. The research result suggests the elderly attend religious activities inside or outside the living facilities seeking spiritual comfort; the disabled elderly should be positively encouraged to participate in rehabilitative activities, increase their self-care abilities, infuse their sense of hope; arranging some activities or sports suitable for the elderly to raise their awareness of health status, finding out the present living concerns for the elderly, helping the establishment of the aim of living, scheduling living plan for them. The staff, in their taking care of them, could actively realize or find out what hinders the elderly’s hope and what causes their low tide of self-esteem, giving individual care for each, seeking social support from working staff, families, and residents to raise the sense of hope of the elderly in the long-term care facilities.




王珊瑜(2007)。台北市小型安養護機構老人認知功能之探討: 簡易智能狀態量表(MMSE)之運用〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.03031
