  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effect of Strategic Alliance’s Motive, Trust, Procedural Justice’s Perception on Alliance Performance and Future Commitment in Long-Term Care Institutions and Hospital

指導教授 : 秦兆瑋




In 2013 the proportion of the elderly population in Taiwan reached 11.29%, Taiwan entered the aging society. An aging population underscores the importance of long-term care. Therefore, how to be with each other using local long-term care institutions and resources to enhance the agency's system of quality and operating performance, are quite worthy of further exploration of the topic. The multiple case study interviews with five long-term care facilities, assisted content analysis and then revised questionnaire, followed by the use of questionnaires to a random sample of 800 questionnaires, 234 valid questionnaires were recovered, the effective rate of 29%. Regression analysis showed that long-term care strategic alliance motives (including market access, expand, get medical resources such as motivation) is higher, the hospital will make communication a strategic partner in the league process, the decision-making process through a fair perception of feeling more positive , but also in terms of its service processes, technology, etc. have higher sense of trust; trust and fair and will allow the higher league experience higher performance and improve future coalition partners to continue cooperation commitments.


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