  • 學位論文


Kau3 in Taiwanese Southern Min:A Case Study of Grammaticalization and Lexicalization

指導教授 : 連金發


關於語法化「降類」的研究通常指出一個範疇性的斜坡:主要範疇(>中間範疇)>次要範疇 (Hopper and Traugott 2003: 107)。關於此一範疇性斜坡的完整架構,前人的研究無論是從語法方面或是語意方面的探討皆已汗牛充棟(Heine and Kuteva 2002)。然而,關於主要範疇>次要範疇或主要範疇>中間範疇不完整斜坡的情形則較少被討論。本篇論文主要以台灣閩南語的kau3「遘」為基底來討論此些不完整結構。台灣閩南語的kau3「遘」有五種用法。主要動詞、介詞、動詞補語、形容詞以及副詞。前兩種表示「到達」的意思、後三種則表示「足夠」的意思。而且形容詞和副詞的kau3「遘」進一步和u7「有」或 bo5「無」詞彙化為一個單詞。本文語料主要以早期閩南語和現代閩南語為本。早期閩南語包括明清閩南語戲文和日治時期的語苑;而現代閩南語則以胡萬川先生編撰的閩南語故事集以及閩南語電視劇為主。方法論上則以語法化的觀點討論現代台灣閩南語kau3「遘」的五種用法的關連,並指出這五種用法是kau3「遘」進行語法化的結果。本文將會將重點放在此五種用法的動態關聯,亦即提供研究者有關於kau3「遘」的意義和其語法化路經及分布的關聯。


有夠 語法化 閩南語 夠額 無夠


Researchers of grammaticalization have often suggested that decategorialization can be manifested as a cline of categoriality, statable as: major category (>intermediate category) > minor category (Hopper and Traugott 2003: 107). Previous studies investigated the full schema from a variety of perspectives and considerable concerns have arisen over the semantic and syntactic behavior, which yield fruitful results (Heine and Kuteva 2002). However, researches which have documented the fragmented schema, major category > minor category and major category >intermediate category, are scant. Therefore, the aim of this thesis attempts to discuss kau3 as an intriguing word showing the phenomenon of the fragmented schema in Taiwanese Southern Min (henceforth TSM). Kau3 can be classified into five main groups. To start with, kau3 is a main verb ‘arrive’. Next, kau3 is a preposition ‘at’, and ‘to’. Next, kau3 is a complement meaning ‘enough’. Next, kau3 is an adjective ‘enough’. Lastly, kau3 is an adverb ‘enough’, as well. The last two kau3 denoting enough mostly follows u7 ‘have’ or bo5 ‘not have’ successively. Put differently, the last two uses of kau3 are complement in semantic aspect, but kau3 gets lexicalized with verb in syntactic frame into an adjective and an adverb. The research involves reviewing the corpora that comprise the early and modern SM data. Early Southern Min data include nine SM playscripts and Go En; modern Southern Min data includes SM story series compiled by Hu Wan Chuan et al, and transcripts of SM soap operas. The analysis of this study was based on grammaticalization to indicate the relationship between the five sets of categories kau3. Result of this study shows the grammaticalization paths of the five sets of categories kau3. To conclude, this paper may be of importance to account for the dynamic relationship between the five sets of categories kau3, and providing researchers with a better understanding of how the meaning about kau3 is related to its grammaticalization paths and distribution.


kau3 u7-kau3 grammaticalization Southern Min kau3-giah8 bo5-kau3


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