  • 學位論文


Research on the Transformation of Industrial Culture and Settlement in Rice Noodles Liao

指導教授 : 林曉薇


本研究針對新竹代表性米粉產業進行研究探討,深入研究米粉產業構成的產業文化及聚落空間之轉變。研究動機源自:一為新竹米粉產業的代表性及相關研究尚未完整呈現其重要性,在日據時期台灣各地皆有生產米粉的產業,但在民國五十年代開始,新竹米粉逐漸在台灣嶄露頭角,確立新竹米粉產業在台灣的地位,興盛時期共有米粉工廠一百二十多家,至今約剩十餘家,它所代表的是新竹地區的地方特殊產業,也是新竹市民共同記憶,卻也是長久以來未被重視的一項產業,關於米粉產業的構成環境與人文背景仍未有人深入去研究。其次,未來在新竹米粉寮聚落空間將因應規劃中之「公道三延伸至灣潭地區新闢道路」計畫,將周邊交通及地景樣貌因新竹市政府將在大南勢客雅溪上建造高架橋而有重大改變。 是以本研究基於身為南勢里米粉寮米粉產業家族的一份子,故在產業聚落空間尚未劇烈改變前,進行米粉產業聚落之變遷研究。研究方法以田野調查及測繪、文獻資料蒐集、口述訪談等,經由分析歸納,深入了解米粉寮產業聚落形成之生活、生產及空間文化的形成與轉變。其研究成果為: 一、米粉寮形成的自然環境與人文背景整理 新竹米粉聚落的發展與自然與人文因素密不可分,藉由文獻資料與耆老口述了解此地區的環境變革,並整理、歸納以建構社經活動概況,對聚落地理、環境有整體的了解並發掘地方的獨特性。 二、米粉產業文化在台灣的演變 分析日治時期至今米粉產業的發展與變遷,分析不同歷程中受到國家政治、經濟、社會、交通、產業特性等因素的影響,書理米粉產業在台灣所具有的特殊性、文化價值及發展脈絡。 三、新竹米粉產業有形及無形文化資產清查 自日治時期至今歷經多次產業變革,整理並紀錄分析新竹產業的製作技術、原料和器具演變,展現新竹米粉產業之有形及無形文化資產,避免因時代的變遷使之消逝以作為未來參考依據。 四、產業生產與聚落空間發展的脈落分析 目的在於探尋新竹米粉聚落形成與發展之脈絡,解析其形成、發展的因素,描述其外在呈現的聚落形式與空間形態,並探索外在形式中所隱含的空間結構,藉此容易了解聚落實體環境的概況,展現集體記憶並展示聚落的地方特色,給予聚落明確的意象。 五、民宅設施與廠房空間使用調查研究 傳統合院式民宅的式微與現代樓房式民宅的興盛,反應出居民對產業生產與生活方式在觀念上的轉變,透過對民宅和廠房型式、空間組織等方式做調查與分析,了解米粉聚落的民居特色與建築風格。


民宅 空間構成 聚落空間 米粉


This research is that the individual industry of rice noodles make the advanced surveys for the formation and changeable factors of the settlement of rice noodles liao industry in Nsnshi village. The research motive is oriented from: First, it is a representative industry and there are fewer documents to present the important development of rice noodles industry in Hsinchu. During Japanese-occupied period, there are a plenty of factories which produce rice noodles everywhere in Taiwan, but in the beginning of 1960’s, the rice noodles industry in Hsinchu gradually show their glories to make the good status in Taiwan. The number of factories is decreasing from about 120 factories to 20 ones. It is the local and specific industry , and also sharing memories for people in Hsinchu. However, the industries have been left alone for a long time and nobody take care its development and history. The secend, there would be some changes about traffic and landscape in the rice noodles liao of Hsinchu because the plans of public construction, the new road from Gongdao3th road to Longtan area, will be established the skyway bridge on Nanshin-Keya river by Hsinchu government. Due to be one member of family of producing rice noodles in Nanshing village, I must make some research before the transformation of settlement in the rice noodles industry. The method for the survey is by field investigation, mapping, collecting literature data, and writing dictation interview etc. Via the method of analysis and conclusion, the study is deeply understood that daily life and producing in the industrial settlement of rice noodles liao and the formation and transition of the culture space. It will be predicted: 1. The formation about the nature environment and the cultural background in in Rice Noodles Liao The development of the settlement has a closely relationship with natural and cultural factors in Hsinchu. Rely on collecting historical documents and dictions to understand the evolvement. Form the society and economy in the past time by inductive reasoning to understand the geography and environment, to find the uniqueness of the local in Rice Noodles Liao. 2. The transformation of the industrial culture in rice noodles, Taiwan The development and transformation characteristic has almost changed from Japanese-occupied period to now, finding specificity and cultural value of rice noodles industry in Taiwan by analyzing the factors in different process effect about politic, economy, society, traffic, and the industrial characteristic. According to the previous statement, we can find the industrial context and development of the rice noodles in Hsinchu . 3. Tangible and intangible cultural property on the industry of rice noodles in Hsinchu The rice noodles has changed many times from Japanese-occupied period, in order to presentation of tangible and intangible cultural property on the industry of rice noodles in Hsinchu, so we must has making up, recording, and analyzing the technology of production, material, and the transformation of utensils. It will avoid fade away by the time and be a reference in the future. 4. To understand the context of the industrial production and the development of settlement space The goal lies in inquired the rice noodles settlement forms with the context in Hsinchu, and analyzing the form factors. Besides I gave a description of presenting settlement form , spatial type, and exploring the spatial structure which in the external form conceals. Finally, to understand the survey of the settlement entity environment that will gave the settlement explicit image by showing the collective memory and the local characteristics. 5. Survey analysis of residential facilities and Spatial Use in the factory Decline of translation closed-yard type and prosperity of modern building reflect the change of the industrial production and the life style of the inhabitants. We also can get the idea of the peculiarity of residents and the building style of rice noodles settlement by investigating and analyzing the dwelling types, space organization and building methods.


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