  • 學位論文


Sensual Epiphanies: A Study of Aesthetics of James Joyce's Writing

指導教授 : 周曉青


論文名稱: 感官自明:喬哀思的美學研究 校院系所: 國立暨南國際大學人文學院外國語文學系 頁數: 83 畢業時間: 西元 2010年10 月 學位別: 碩士 研究生: 趙守道 指導教授: 周曉青 論文摘要 此論文主要在探究喬哀思的作品《一位藝術家的畫像》以及《尤里西斯》中的自明, 可分成三個部分討論: 第一章旨在探究喬哀思的作品中《年輕藝術家的畫像》以及《尤利西斯》,筆下的三個角色的性覺醒,他們的性覺醒獲得滿足的過程,進而延伸到產生「自明」。 第二章旨在探究喬哀思及其推崇的神學家湯瑪斯阿奎那的神學觀, 阿奎那對於上帝的存在,美,以及人類思考的觀點。 第三章旨在探究喬哀思從湯瑪斯阿奎那的美學觀點中的Claritas,闡述出來的概念「自明」,「自明」的產生主要在於雙方的互顯。此章並探究其筆下的三個角色,如何由性覺醒產生「自明」時刻。 從這三個章節我們可以知道, 由性慾所產生的「自明」就像是喬哀思本人對於藝術的追求一樣, 在追求的過程中,他會越加的成熟, 並且藉由不斷追求的過程, 而達到藝術以及感官上的極致。 關鍵詞: 喬哀思, 自明, 性慾, 湯瑪斯 阿奎那, 互顯


喬哀思 自明 性慾 湯瑪斯 阿奎那 互顯


Name of Institute: Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, College of Humanities, National Chi Nan University Page: 83 Graduation Time: October, 2010 Degree Conferred: Master Student Name: Shou-Tao Chao Advisor Name: Prof. Hsio-Ching Chow Abstract The major argument to the M. A. thesis is to redefine the process of achieving epiphany in James Joyce’s work A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses, and it may be divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, it aims to discuss about the three characters’ sexual awakening, the process of fulfilling their sexual desires, and how it leads to the moments of epiphanies. The second chapter talks about Thomas Aquinas’s idea of God, beauty ,and human intellect. The third chapter aims to argue about James Joyce’s epiphany and how the three characters’ moments of epiphanies may be achieved. By the three chapters, it is obvious to know the process of achieving sensual epiphany is like Joyce’s process of seeking for beauty of art. By the process, he may become more mature and may achieve the sublime of art and senses. Key words: James Joyce, Epiphany, Sexual Desire, Thomas Aquinas, Mutual Revelation


Works Cited
Attridge, Derek. “‘Suck was a queer word’: Language, sex, and the remainder in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” Joyce Effects. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000. 59-77.
---. The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Aubert, Jacques. “The Pola Notbook and Aquinas.” The Aesthetics of James Joyce. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1992. 100-09.
Baldick, Chris. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.
