  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃乃熒 吳明清 吳清山


本研究旨在探討學校行政探究行為之意涵、功能、應用困難及其影響,並希冀了解解決學校行政探究行為應用困難之途徑。最後歸納研究發現做成結論,並據以提出建議,以供學校行政探究行為之運用及日後研究的參考。 本研究選取一所國民中學為個案進行質性研究,以訪談及取得會議相關文件為蒐集資料的方法。綜合文獻探討及分析研究資料所得之結果、歸納出七點結論,茲分述如下: 一、學校行政探究行為是在取得學校行政方面的實際經驗時,興起有疑問的、反省的態度,進而運用相關技巧以解答疑惑的過程。 二、個體從事學校行政探究行為的頻率高於團體。 三、學校行政探究行為並未獲得廣泛運用。 四、學校行政探究行為之功能小至個人層面,大至學校層面。 五、學校行政探究行為之應用困難通常與校長及行政人員未能廣納意見有關。 六、學校行政探究行為之應用困難若不排除,會影響學校成員的工作投入及學校行政工作的品質。 七、解決學校行政探究行為之應用困難的途徑,通常與加強學校成員的社會關係有關。 根據上述結論,茲提出幾點建議,俾利學校行政探究行為的實施,茲分述如下: 一、對校長的建議: (一) 勿侷限於既有的思考模式。 (二) 激勵公開的探究行為。 (三) 廣納建言,重視學校成員的需要。 (四) 管理知識,提昇學校成員的能力。 (五) 適度授權,激發學校成員的創意。 (六) 提供回饋,俾利學校行政的反省檢討。 二、對行政人員的建議: (一) 勇於提出新的執行方案。 (二) 勿斷然否決學校成員的意見。 (三) 加強與學校成員的意見交流。 (四) 建立工作檔案。 (五) 賦予教師專業自主權。 (六) 召開檢討會議或製發意見調查表。 三、對教師的建議: (一) 對於學校行政工作常抱持可疑問的態度。 (二) 對於學校成員的想法給予肯定。 (三) 主動向學校成員說出對學校行政工作的看法。 (四) 理性客觀地提供檢討意見予校長及行政人員。 四、對未來研究的建議: (一) 採用不同的研究方法。 (二) 增加研究時間。 (三) 擴大研究範圍。


The purposes of the research are to explore the meanings, effects, difficulties and its influences and to find the approaches to solve the difficulties in the application of inquiry in school administration. The findings of this research are induced into the conclusions, and hence to offer the suggestions for the application of inquiry in schools and further researches The research is a case study on a junior high school with qualitative methods to collect the data by interviewing and document reviewing. According to the discussions in each chapter, the research concludes: 1.inquiry in school administration is the process of applying related skills to solve the difficulties, together with the arisen attitude questioning and reflective when gaining experiences in school administration, 2.the frequency of applying inquiry in school administration by individuals is higher than that by the whole group, 3.inquiry in school administration is not applied widely, 4.the effects of inquiry in school administration range from individuals to the whole school, 5.the difficulties of applications of inquiry in school administration can usually be related to the principal and the staffs lacking for adopting different views, 6.if the difficulties are not solved, the enthusiasm of the staffs and the quality of school administration may be influenced, 7.the way to solve the difficulties is usually connected with improving the social relationship between the school staffs. The suggestions are proposed, according to the conclusions, to encourage the practice of inquiry in school administration, which include, 1. for principals: 1.1 the thinking model can be adjusted, 1.2 inquiry in public is encouraged, 1.3 knowing the need of the staffs and adopting the comments, 1.4 managing knowledge to promote the capabilities of the staffs, 1.5 empowering the staffs in order to initiate their creativity, 1.6 giving the feedbacks to improve the school administration. 2. for the administrators, 2.1 trying to offer new plans, 2.2 avoiding immediate objections to the comments of the staffs, 2.3 encouraging the communication between the school members, 2.4 managing the documents systematically, 2.5 empowering the teachers, 2.6 summoning the meetings or making some questionnaires. 3. for teachers, 3.1 having the query attitude toward the school administration, 3.2 appreciating the comments and ideas that the school members offered, 3.3 speaking out the thoughts on the school administration actively, 3.4 offering the rational comments to the principal and the administration staffs. 4. for further researches, 4.1 other research methods can be adopted, 4.2 research duration can last longer, 4.3 research field can be broaden.




