  • 學位論文


Contracting newly arisen infectious disease to recover the quality of life and the research of the orientation related factors─Taking Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS) for an example

指導教授 : 胡益進博士


本研究旨在?解2003?嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,SARS)的可能案?在?原後之生活品質及生活適應現況,並探討此些現況與個人染SARS過程及之後生活品質、生活適應、因應策?與社會支持之關係。本研究以自擬結構式問卷為工具,進?資?收集,共得有效問卷80?,所得資?以SPSS第10版進?t檢定、單因子變??分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析等統計分析。 本研究主要結果如下: 一、?性研究對象之社會支持及因應策?使用的頻?高於男性。 二、醫?工作者在因應策?、社會支持、生活適應及情緒穩定優於非醫?工作者,且染SARS前後生活品質與差距亦較小。 三、染SARS後適應?況與家庭經濟收入、因應策?的使用頻?、社會支持?、及情緒平穩?及染SARS前後生活品質差距成正比,與生活上需協助的情形成反比。 四、病友活動?與?與因應策?及生活品質成正相關。 四、研究對象染SARS時及之後情況中的「是否告病危」、「是否因工作染SARS」、「是否有後遺症」、「是否曾求助心?專科醫師或心?師」、「染SARS後曾中斷工作達半?以上」及「染SARS時及之後曾想過死亡問題」影響其?原期之生活適應;「染SARS後曾中斷工作達半?以上」及「SARS時及之後曾想過死亡問題」會影響其生活品質。 五、研究對象目前生活品質之重要預測變項為「目前生活品質與染SARS前比較」、「因應策?」及「住院天?」,可解釋總??為50.1%。?、研究對象生活適應之重要預測變項「目前生活品質與染SARS前比較」、「目前仍須接受之協助」、「染SARS時及之後是否曾經想過死亡問題」及「社會支持」,可解釋總??51.6%。


The purpose of this study is to discuss the quality of life (QOL) and life adaptation of the probable cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) who were diagnosed in 2003. The correlations among QOL, coping strategies, social supports and experiences of illness were discussed as well. A self-developed structural questionnaire was designed in order to collect relevant data, and there were eighty participants completed the survey. All the data were analyzed by SPSS 10, the statistic methods included t-test, ANOVA, Pearson?s correlation and multiple regression. The main findings of this study were demonstrated as follows: 1. The females have better social supports and higher utility rate of coping strategies. 2. Medical workers have better coping strategies, social supports, QOL and emotional status. 3. The adaptation of post-SARS is positive related with family economy, the utility rate of coping strategies, social supports, emotionalstatus, and the differences in daily life between pre- and post-SARS; the adaptation of post-SARS is negative related to the need for assistance in life. 4. To participate in the activities of SARS-mate association is positive related with coping strategies and QOL. 5. There are many factors which related to QOL and life adaptation: “have been announced on critical or not?,“be infected in work ?“left sequela or not?“to seek for mental help?“have left work off longer than a half year?“have had thought about die within the ill process?. 6. The predictors of current QOL are“the differences of QOL between current and pre- SARS?“coping strategies?“the length of hospitalization?; the power of explanation is 50.1%. 7. The predictors of life adaptation are including“the differences of QOL between current and pre-SARS?“continuing need for assistance in life ?“have had thought about die within the ill process?and “social supports?; the power of explanation is 51.6%.


SARS coping strategies social supports QOL life adaptation


