  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Brand Image, Perceived Quality ,Perceived Value of Consumers’ Purchasing Intention.

指導教授 : 李祥銘
共同指導教授 : 邱吉鶴


時代的變遷,以往企業只是純粹因應價格及需求,經歷數十年之後,我們發現這些消費者追求是價格以外的價值,如何在消費者心中塑造良好品牌形象並提昇顧客的購買意願,進而創造企業營運績效,鞏固競爭優勢,將成為企業的一大課題。因此,企業的品牌形象與知覺價值、知覺品質、購買意願的關係,成為影響顧客購買意願的關鍵因素。   一個成功的企業是要必須具備許多優點才能繼續生存,除了產品以及服務能夠為顧客帶來價值和利益外,更需鞏固企業良好的品牌形象,品牌形象是市場行銷中一個重要的環節,可以將品牌的概念傳達確實給消費者,亦同時藉由聯想融入消費者的生活之中,在消費者心中留下與眾不同的形象,並儲存於消費者的記憶模式中,且人們比較會購買自己熟悉且品牌形象良好的產品,因為品牌形象良好而感到安心、可靠,並透過購買的過程中,就能感受到公司對於顧客的重視,相反的顧客也能夠從企業的品牌形象中更了解企業本身以及產品,也就是說,企業想要穩健且長久的延續是必須創造出一套穩定的價值體系,堅守品質優先的核心價值,以及鞏固良好的品牌形象。本研究以統計軟體SPSS的運用,透過不同人口統計變數來探討企業之品牌形象與知覺價值、知覺品質對購買意願之影響,研究結果顯示,五項假設均成立呈正向影響。


Along with the change of time, for decades, the enterprises only required to adjust their selling price according to the demand to survive, and now, consumers are looking for not only the price, but also the value of the products or service they purchase. It is one of the crucial task for a company to build a strong brand image and use its brand image to communicate with the targeted consumers, as a result to grow the business and improve the performance of the operation. The company brand image and identity becomes the most critical factor for consumer purchasing decision.   In order for a company to survive in such competitive environment, they need to have multiple competitive advantages. The utility and benefit of the product or service is not enough to satisfy the consumer, an emotional attachment links to brand and decent public image links to the company is one of the most important factor of the marketing success. So, when the consumer is making purchasing decision, this brand impression will lead the consumer to make the decision they feel comfortable and favorable.In addition, once the consumer trust a brand and experienced the product or service of this brand, more than likely when they need different product or service they will extend their trust to this brand to different product or service. That is how important for a company to build the brand value in today’s business style.   This study focused mainly on the exploration of consumers’ views about iphone with respect to the effect between the brand image, perceived quality, perceived value and the Purchasing Intention. and 220 questionnaires were issued, including 220 valid ones. The effective response rate is 100%. Statistical software SPSS was applied to these questionnaires, using descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, ANOVA analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, and regression analysis to conduct the empirical analysis.


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