  • 學位論文


A Study of the Taxation Strategies under Taiwan's Mergers and Acquisitions Law And Irregular Transfer Pricing

指導教授 : 劉連煜


為提昇企業經營效率、鼓勵企業併購,政府自89年起分別制定或增修訂與併購有關之法規,主要有促進產業升級條例、金融機構合併法、金融控股公司法與企業併購法。企業併購法第三章租稅減免措施主要意旨係為排除併購租稅障礙而訂定,惟施行以來運用上產生許多與實務不相貼切之問題,由於企業併購所涉及之租稅規定錯綜複雜,雖然財政部對目前許多問題發布多項解釋函令,惟在實務上尚有諸多疑義有待解決。 本研究針對企業併購法第34條至43條之租稅減免措施在法制及實務面上,作有系統地探討,進而對企業併購租稅措施所產生之問題及爭議作釐清,並且比較不同併購模式下公司與股東之租稅效果。由於不同併購型態其會計處理並不相同,所計算得出的營利事業所得稅稅負亦有差異,進而影響後續因併購所衍生之相關稅務問題,故於探討各併購類型之會計處理及國際會計準則目前對併購會計處理之新規定。跨國企業作租稅規劃包括跨國併購、利用個人或公司之名義以間接或直接投資於境外公司,甚至運用非常規交易移轉訂價來規避稅負,故本文針對此議題亦作深入的探討並比較其不同之租稅效果。除此之外,本文亦探討美國聯邦內地稅法相關企業併購租稅措施與美國司法機關所創造出之利益持續原則、商業目的原則、企業營業持續原則與交易步驟原則,並與我國企業併購租稅相關措施作比較,以對我國企業併購租稅措施提出檢討與建議。 另由於關係企業(跨國企業)的快速發展以及租稅條件的差異,導致關係企業間(跨國企業間),利用移轉訂價及企業併購方式從事利益輸送及規避稅負,而企業併購法第42條賦予稽徵機關得報經主管機關核准,按交易常規或依查得資料予以調整之機制,以達避稅目的行為之防止。本研究針對關係企業間從事非常規交易之原因、型態、可能造成之弊端、調整法令依據、測試標準及調整方法等加以探討,並就我國現行有關移轉訂價之相關法律規定及對非常規交易調整價格主要依據之所得稅法第四十三條之一進行分析及評論,並參考世界各國對於相關移轉訂價調整價格之規定,最後對我國企業併購法制稅捐減免措施及移轉訂價相關之法規提出建議供相關機關參考,以減少企業併購之障礙及避免稅收流失,違反租稅中立性及公平性。


In an attempt to boost business efficiency and encourage enterprises to launch M&A activities, the government have enacted, added or updated the laws and regulations concerned since 2000, including notably:Industrial Upgrading Promotion Act、Law Governing Merger of Financial Institutions、Financial Holding Company Law and Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act (Amended & promulgated on May 5, 2004 as the latest). The Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act Chapter Three provide taxation measures and actions to remove the potential barriers lying upon the taxation on M&A. In the hands-on enforcement, nevertheless, there have existed quite a few problems irrelevant to facts. While the taxation laws and regulations concerned are so intricate and labyrinthine, The Ministry of Finance manages those issues by means of documented interpretations to solve those problems which have virtually surfaced, but there remain quite a few pending questions. The Article 4 of Taiwan’s Business Mergers and Acquisitions Law states that merger and acquisition (M&A) include merger, consolidation, acquisition, and division of a company. The thesis analyses each type of M&A transaction’s accounting process in Chapter 2, and then reviews tax law on mergers and acquisition and study the relevant documented interpretations in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, the thesis introduces tax law on mergers and acquisition Under Internal Revenue Code Act (mainly 26 U.S.C 9351 ~ 26 U.S.C 9368) and the Continuity of Interest Requirement、Business Purpose Requirement、Continuity of Business Enterprise Requirement and Step Transaction Doctrine which were created by court of U.S.A. and compare with tax law on mergers and acquisition under our country. The thesis then analyses quite a few problems related to the taxation measures in Taiwan's Business Mergers and Acquisitions Law in Chapter5 and discuss different tax effect when exercise different t type of M&A transactions in Chapter6. The thesis also discusses the international taxation strategy planning to lower enterprises tax cost and risks when launch merger and acquisition activities in Chapter 7. Due to the rapid development of related parties (multinational enterprises) and differing tax regulations, more and more related parties (multinational enterprises) are found to engage in the act of profiteering activities and avoidance of tax by utilizing transfer pricing and merger and acquisition transactions. Article 42 of Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act provide the authorities the right to adjust the prices of non- arm’s- length transactions. In Chapter 8 the thesis study the reasons and forms of non- arm’s- length transactions amongst related parties and the frauds that are likely to result from such transactions, the legal basis for price adjustments, test standards and adjustment methods and furthermore introduces the relevant regulations on transfer pricing and price adjustments adopted overseas for reference. Chapter 9 of the thesis concludes the study and proposes several suggestions regarding the possible improvements of the tax measures described in Taiwan’s Business Mergers and Acquisitions Law and transfer pricing related regulations such as Article 43-1 of the Income Tax Act etc.




