  • 學位論文


Object Retrieval Based on RGB-D Images

指導教授 : 杜維昌


為了因應與日俱增的多媒體資料,人們不斷探討如何有效對多媒體資料進行管理與檢索。過去相關研究大多著重在二維影像及三維模型上,但隨著日益增加的RGB-D 影像資料,檢索方法仍顯得有所不足,因而開發相關檢索技術以利於搜尋已是刻不容緩的工作。本研究即以Kinect 感測裝置所取得的RGB-D 影像為來源,探討如何從點雲資料萃取同時具備色彩與幾何之特徵,並以此為基礎設計新的物件檢索方法。為了展現執行成效,實際建立測試平台以驗證其實際成效。


Nowadays, modern multimedia are widely used in daily life. In order to response the requirements, people continuously explore how to effectively manage and retrieve multimedia data. Most previous studies focused on 2D images and 3D models. However, along with the increasing RGB-D image data, the related retrieval technologies are still inadequate. Therefore, it is an urgent task for development of related retrieval algorithms. This research uses RGB-D image data obtained by Kinect sensing device as the input source, and studies how to extract both color and geometry features from the point cloud data and design a new 3D object retrieval system. By exhibiting the results, a testing platform is established to verify actual effectiveness.


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