  • 學位論文

多比較好?基層醫師供給對可避免住院的影響 -台灣的實證研究

The more the better? Evidence from the relationship between primary care physicians and preventable hospitalizations in Taiwan context

指導教授 : 梁亞文 陳錦杏


背景及目的:國際上多以可避免住院(preventable hospitalization)測量基層醫療照護的適當性與可近性。國外研究指出,可避免住院約佔所有住院的3.2 %至12%。以2005年台灣住院醫療費用支出之1,410億元,依此結果類推,表示約有45億1,200萬元至169億2,000萬元為可避免住院的費用。基層醫師人力攸關基層醫療照護,因此本研究探討台灣地區可避免住院現況及基層醫師人力供給對可避免住院之影響。 方法:本研究資料來源為2000年至2006年之「全民健保學術研究資料庫」,依變項為64醫療次區域可避免住院人次,依資料庫中出院診斷碼符合美國健康照護研究及品質局(AHRQ)16項預防品質指標(PQIs)定義篩選可避免住院;自變項為64醫療次區域基層醫師人力,以中華民國醫師公會全國聯合會統計之診所數為依據。研究資料兼具時間序列及橫斷面特性,故以LIMDEP(8.0)統計軟體進行縱橫資料線性迴歸模型實證分析。 結果:2000年至2006年台灣地區各年度之可避免住院率介於每千人16.64人次至每千人19.7人次,可避免住院平均住院日數介於8.10日至8.64日,產生的醫療費用介於121億元至179億元間,分佔當年度住院醫療費用之10.31%至12.86%。經隨機效果模型分析發現,每萬人口病床數、醫師數、及17歲以下人口數對可避免住院人次具解釋能力並呈現正向影響。由模型中的估計係數得知每萬人口病床每增加1%,則平均每萬人口可避免住院人次增加0.398%,每萬人口醫師每增加1%,每萬人口可避免住院人次增加0.401%,每萬人口17歲以下人口每增加1%,每萬人口可避免住院人次增加0.606%。 結論:本研究結果發現每萬人口病床數與醫師數及17歲以下人口數越多,可避免住院人次越多;台灣自1995年至2006年總病床數增加幅度達23.75%,11年間住院件數增加一倍,住院費用成長近三倍,或許意味著整體醫療環境存在供給誘發需求的狀況。因此,改善整體醫療照護品質應從提升基層照護效率著手而非增加病床數及醫師數。


Objectives: The first purpose of this study is to describe patterns in ACSHs at the sub-medical regions based on demographics and other characteristics. Secondly, we calculate the ACSH rate for 64 sub-medical regions respectively, using AHRQ definitions. Last, this study explores the impact of primary care physician supply on ACSH rate in Taiwan. Data Sources: Data for this study includes 2000-2006 National Health Research Institute (NHRI) database, a nationally representative dataset, and Taiwan-Fukein Demographic Fact Book from the Ministry of the Interior. We examine sixteen principal or first-listed diagnoses identified by AHRQ as ACSHs. The independent variable of interest, the primary care physician supply, is measured as a continuous variable (MDs/10,000). Study design:Descriptive statistics are analyzed cross-sectionally and overtime. We take 2000 to 2006 altogether 7 years as research period and 64 sub-medical regions as research samples. Panel data regression model is used to determine the impacts of primary care physician supply on the distribution of ACSHs rate while controlling for other variables may also affect ACSHs. Larrange Multiplier test, Durbin-Watson test and Hausman test are used to test the model. Principal Findings: Through 2000 to 2006, ACSH rate for 64 sub-medical regions, respectively showed 0.0003 to 0.047 (Figture-1) The random effect models standardized estimates indicate that, among the measured covariates in our model, physician supply was not associated with ACSH. But, hospital beds and number of people aged under 17 have the positive adjusted relationship with ACSH. Conclusions:To improve quality of overall medical service should increase efficiency of primary care system, rather than increases the hospital beds number and care physicians.


