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The Role of Chinese Medicine in Treating Dysmenorrhea




Dysmenorrhea in reproductive age women is a disease resulting from abnormal uterine contractions, ischemia, or pelvic diseases. Western medicine usually uses NSAIDs, Hormonal therapy, or surgery to treat patients; however, they cause a few discomfortable side-effect after the treatment. Dysmenorrhea belongs to the category of abdominal pain during menstruation in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The attack of abdominal pain during menstruation is basically associated with the liver, the spleen and the kidney .The failure of liver's free coursing, the hypofunction of the spleen with being short of qi and blood, and the depletion of kidney essence are responsible for the disorder of qi and blood about Womb, Chong and Ren. Once being stagnation of qi or no nourishment in blood, women could feel pain. Here, we present a treatment case of a 29-year-old female who is with dysmenorrhea history and has severe dysmenorrhea in recently several menses . The treatment course includes sophisticated description of clinical manifestation and method. After intervention of Channel-Warming Decoction and Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill in four weeks to regulate qi and blood, the patient's symptoms improve significantly. It hopes that this clinical case can be provided as a reference.


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