  • 期刊


The Effect Study of Active and Static Warm-Up on Rowing Ergometer Performance


Purpose: discussed the effect of intervention of active warm-up and static stretching on the performance of 2000m rowing ergometer performance. Subjects: 9 male rowing players from Tainan Municipal Tucheng High School were recruited as subjects. Average age was 16.67±0.7 years. Average height was 174.89±2.93 cm. Average weight was 69.3 2±6.24 kg. All subjects were the players accept training over two years. Methodology: all subjects joined two different stage experiments. In these experiments, different manners of warm-up were interfered. The interval was one week between the tests of these two experiments. All data were analyzed by dependent samples t-test. Results: (1) 2000m rowing ergometer performance (419.22±11.99 seconds) after the intervention of active warm-up was better significantly than the 2000m rowing ergometer performance (425.89±9.42seconds) after the intervention of static stretching (p<.05). (2) 2000m rowing ergometer paddling frequency (30.22±1.64times/min) after was better than the 2000m rowing ergometer paddling frequency (29.66±1.87times/min), but these data weren't different significantly. (3) 2000m rowing ergometer mean power output (305.11±25.943Watts) after the intervention of active warm-up was better significantly than the 2000m rowing ergometer mean power output (291.44±19.33 Watts) after the intervention of static stretching (p<.05). (4) 2000m rowing ergometer consuming calories (1 347.77±88.72calories) after the intervention of active warm-up was better significantly than the 2000m rowing ergometer consuming calories (1 296.44±63.65 calories) after the intervention of static stretching (p<.05). Conclusions and suggestions: active warm-up was better to do before the test of 2000m rowing due to active warm-up could promote the performance of 2000m rowing. On the side of future study, different warm-up interventions could be executed to understand effects of these warm-up interventions.


動態熱身 靜態伸展 測功儀 划船


Purpose: discussed the effect of intervention of active warm-up and static stretching on the performance of 2000m rowing ergometer performance. Subjects: 9 male rowing players from Tainan Municipal Tucheng High School were recruited as subjects. Average age was 16.67±0.7 years. Average height was 174.89±2.93 cm. Average weight was 69.3 2±6.24 kg. All subjects were the players accept training over two years. Methodology: all subjects joined two different stage experiments. In these experiments, different manners of warm-up were interfered. The interval was one week between the tests of these two experiments. All data were analyzed by dependent samples t-test. Results: (1) 2000m rowing ergometer performance (419.22±11.99 seconds) after the intervention of active warm-up was better significantly than the 2000m rowing ergometer performance (425.89±9.42seconds) after the intervention of static stretching (p<.05). (2) 2000m rowing ergometer paddling frequency (30.22±1.64times/min) after was better than the 2000m rowing ergometer paddling frequency (29.66±1.87times/min), but these data weren't different significantly. (3) 2000m rowing ergometer mean power output (305.11±25.943Watts) after the intervention of active warm-up was better significantly than the 2000m rowing ergometer mean power output (291.44±19.33 Watts) after the intervention of static stretching (p<.05). (4) 2000m rowing ergometer consuming calories (1 347.77±88.72calories) after the intervention of active warm-up was better significantly than the 2000m rowing ergometer consuming calories (1 296.44±63.65 calories) after the intervention of static stretching (p<.05). Conclusions and suggestions: active warm-up was better to do before the test of 2000m rowing due to active warm-up could promote the performance of 2000m rowing. On the side of future study, different warm-up interventions could be executed to understand effects of these warm-up interventions.


內森、邱友益(2011)。WARM-UP 熱身四步法。網球。2011(3),112-114。
