  • 期刊


Interface Designs for Commercial Operation In-Vehicle Information Systems



本研究以二階段(two-phase)研究方式,設計物流配送司機在貨物配送途程時所需之車內資訊系統視覺顯示介面。階段一爲此資訊系統提供之資訊項目(系統功能)定義,內容包含資訊項目定義、資訊問卷設計、資訊項目縮減及分類、資訊項目重要順序列表建置;第二階段爲此車內資訊系統之顯示介面設計,其內容包含人機介面設計原則應用與資訊項目於介面之配置。階段一中,2位資深物流車輛駕駛司機接受深入訪談後,產生54項資訊項目,將其編製成問卷訪問四個配送站之物流司機,共計發放91份,回收80份有效問卷,資料經因素分析後,取得物流工作資訊、導航資訊、車況資訊、危險警告資訊、道路提示資訊等5大資訊分類及其相關矩陣。並於第二階段中,依照“初步車內資訊系統人因設計原則”(Green, et al., 1995),於符合人機設計原則下,安排階段一所得之結果,完成此物流配送車輛中車內資訊系統顯示介面設計。


A two-phase study was conducted to generate suitable information items and their presentation considering for CVO (Commercial Vehicle Operations) systems. In phase-one, an in-depth focus group interview and a paper questionnaire survey were conducted. Based on the interview results and literature surveys, a 7-point Likert's scale questionnaire was developed. Ninety-one commercial vehicle drivers recruited from two major logistics companies in Taiwan area participated in this survey study. Five information groups: route navigation, logistics tasks, vehicle condition, hazard warning, and road assistant were generated from the total fifty-four information hems through factor analysis. In addition, information items within each group were given priorities to their average ranking importance. In phase-two, based on phase-one findings and the technical report ”Preliminary Human Factors Design Guidelines for Driver Information Systems” (Green, et al., 1995), feasible visual display formats and interface layouts were designed for commercial vehicle operation systems.
