  • 期刊

Neonatal Ileoileocolic Intussusception Associated with Ileal Polyp: Report of One Case



新生兒腸套疊是一種罕見的疾病。我 們提報一位26天大女嬰因迴腸息肉而導致回腸-回腸-結腸型腸套疊。她的臨床表徵為哭鬧不安,膽汁性嘔吐及血便。理學檢查中,在左腹部,摸到可移動的腫瘤。腹部超音波檢查展示一長段腸套疊,并合并有一低回音性腫瘤。剖腹探杳發現長段回腸-回腸-結腸型腸套疊,且腸套疊內層中有回腸腫瘤。病理報告證實為回腸息肉。由於新生兒腸套疊以腸阻塞為最初的臨床表徵,所以應該和其它腸阻塞例如腸閉鎖、壞死性腸炎、腸扭結做區分。此篇論文目的在強調新生兒腸套疊需列入新生兒腸阻塞之鑑診斷,同時回腸息肉可為新生兒腸套疊之導因。


Neonatal intussusception is an uncommon disease. We report a case of neonatal ileoileocolic intussusception led by an ileal polyp in a female neonate. The patient presented with irritable crying, bilious vomiting and frank bloody stool on the 26th day of life. On physical examination, a mobile abdominal mass was palpated. Abdominal sonography demonstrated a long segment intussusception associated with a low echo genic mass. At laparotomy, ileoileocolic intussusception led by an ileal polyp was found. Pathology confirmed the diagnosis of polyp. Because intestinal obstruction is the primary manifestation, neonatal intussusception is initially indistinguishable from obstructions due to other reasons like intestinal atresia, congenital bands, necrotizing enterocolitis or midgut volvulus. Our experience showed that although uncommon, intussusception should be considered in the differential diagnosis of intestinal obstruction during the newborn period.
