  • 期刊


The Implementation of Information System on OutpatientServices Quality Research-The Case Study of Chayii Christian Hospital Using an Assistant System for Electronic Medical Record


因應門診電子病歷的來臨,在不調閱紙本病歷的情況下,以跟診人員與患者的角度出發,由院內自行開發的跟診輔助系統(簡稱跟診系統)與客製化的健保IC卡報到系統作整合,期望此跟診創新方案提供患者更優質的就診服務。在跟診系統方面,提供了1.診間的就診清單。2.急作檢驗結果提示。3.整合照護者(看二科以上的特殊患者)…等身份辨識。4.附加健保IC 卡更新、查詢、蓋卡功能。5.醫事人員卡查詢重大傷病、健保局關懷名單、患者歷次就醫及用藥紀錄。6.執行單筆就醫處方的電子簽章等。與IC卡報到系統結合後,經由患者健保IC卡插卡報到的動作1.可告知患者是否報到成功,讓患者安心。2.預先告知是否有預作檢查,可先作檢查再候診。3.判斷患者是否走錯診間,並指示正確的診間及就診號。4.記錄報到時間並加以排序,使跟診人員掌握患者報到及決定看診先後順序等資訊。在保護患者隱私的前提下,本系統希望儘量減少患者看診期間被敲門干擾的次數。本文係就電子病歷的前提下,應用健保IC卡報到介面與跟診系統的質性研究,探討不同時期看診等候時間的變化,以提昇門診服務品質。


For the electronic medical record, this assistant system demonstrated the human computer interaction of anassistant in a consulting room. Using our assistant program combined with the IC card check-in interface system makes a patient to see a doctor becomes more convenient. Our system has many functions, such as detailedpatient list, urgent inspection-result prompt automatically, IC card update, query and write in, special sickness register query, prevention health care query, history the medication record query, electronic signature and so on. After combined with the IC card check-in reader, in protecting under the patient privacy's premise, avoids the patient to disturbance in the consulting room, and informs the patient whether check in successfully, to make the patient feel at ease, when this time, if he has a pre-test, system can inform he to make the inspection inadvance. it also informs the patient whether he has a wrong room, and leads him to the right consulting room and visit-number. We hope this system can make an assistant helpful to handle the patient check-in sorting no, andcombined with the electronic medical record, would improve outpatient services quality.


