  • 期刊


Effects of De-lateral Buds on Flowering and Rhizome Growth ofCalla Lily


彩色海芋(Z. elliottiana)‘Black Magic’組培苗所養成之一代根莖去除側芽後定植,結果發現去側芽處理所萌發之莖枝數、展開葉片數及平均每莖枝含葉片數較未去除側芽處理者少。彩色海芋(Z. elliottiana)‘Florex Gold’、‘Black Magic’之一代根莖分別定植於五寸盆(盆徑為13.9公分)與具防雨設施之簡易溫室下的田間畦床上,進行開花球之養成,結果栽種於五寸盆內之去側芽處理效果並不顯著;種植於簡易溫室下的田間畦床上,去側芽處理效果明顯,主球徑及球重均較對照組大,去側芽處理之彩色海芋’Florex Gold’根莖,芽體之萌芽數減少,所生產出之花朵數較對照組多。就切花品質而言,第一朵切花之花梗長及花苞長均較對照組處理佳。


彩色海芋 去側芽 根莖


The effect of calla lily (Z. elliottiana) 'Black Magic' growth from removal lateral buds of T1 tuberous rhizome could reduce the number of shoots, the number of leaves and leaves per shoot compared with no lateral bud removal treatment. Calla lily 'Florex Gold', 'Black Magic' of T1 tuberous rhizomes were planted in five-inch pots (13.9 cm diameter pots) and greenhouse soil-bed. The lateral treatment of plants growing in the five-inch pots was not significant; however, the plants grown in the greenhouse soil-bed was significant. The diameter and weight of main tuberous rhizome from this treatment were better than control. The calla lily 'Florex Gold' tuberous rhizomes, the sprouting buds and flowers were more than control. For cutting quality, the first cut flower, flower stalk and spathe length were longer than the control.


Zantedeschia spp. de-lateral Buds rhizome
