  • 期刊

The Comparison between Capillary Blood Sampling and Arterial Blood Sampling in an NICU



為了研究經由動脈穿刺之動脈採血及经由足跟穿刺之微血管採血之間抽血數值之相關性,有33位出生體重分佈,從635公克到2500公克之早產兒被納入這信研究。經由足跟穿刺之微血管採血及動脈穿刺之動脈採血的33对檢體都在採集後三分鍾內對血色素、血比容、鈉、鉀、氯、鈣、血糖、乳酸、滲透壓及血液氧體分析進行評估分析。在微血管檢體及動脈檢體間之平均評估係數分別為:酸鹼值(pH):0.92;PCO2:0.93;血比容:0.87;血色素:0.88;鈉:0.86;鈣:1.16;血糖:1.14;乳酸:1.01;鹼基(BE) :1.03;HCO3:1.05;滲透壓:0.91;血氧分壓(P02):1.35;血氧飽和度:0.28;鉀:0.67;氯:0.78。 我們的結論是對於早產兒而言,經由足跟穿刺之微血管採血是一個快速、技術簡單、較不具侵入性之方法,而且是一個可信而可以取代動脈穿刺之動脈採血的方法,以便對血色素、血比容、鈉、鈣、血糖、乳酸、滲透壓及血液氧體分析進行評估分析。


To study the correlation between the results of blood examination from arterial blood sampling via arterial puncture and capillary blood sampling via heel-stick, 33 premature infants with birthweights ranging from 635 grams to 2500 grams were enrolled in this study. The 33 paired samples of capillary blood sampling via heel-stick and simultaneous arterial blood sampling via arterial puncture were analysed within 3 minutes after collection for hemoglobin, hematocrit, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, glucose, lactate, osmolality, and blood gas. The average correlations between capillary and arterial samples were 0.92 for pH, 0.93 for PCO2, 0.87 for hematocrit, 0.88 for hemoglobin, 0.86 for sodium, 1.16 for calcium, 1.14 for glucose, 1.01 for lactate, 1.03 for base excess (BE), 1.05 for HCO3, 0.91 for osmolality, 1 .35 for P02, 0.28 for O2 saturation, 0.67 for potassium, and 0.78 for chloride. We concluded that capillary blood sampling via heel-stick is a rapid, simple, less invasive, and reliable alternative to arterial blood sampling for the evaluation of hemoglobin, hematocrit, sodium, calcium, glucose, lactate, osmolality, and blood gas (pH, pCO2, HCO;, BE) in premature infants. (Acta Paediatr Tw 2002; 43:124-6)
