  • 期刊


Research on the Application of Customer Relation Management System by the Medical Service Industry for Enhancing Outpatient Service Quality


全民健保制度的實施讓醫院的經營面臨更大的挑戰,加上病患對醫療品質要求的提高與醫療機構不斷成立與擴增的情形之下,使得醫療環境愈形激烈。有鑑於此,如何在有限的病患來源,留住舊有的顧客並開發潛在顧客成為了醫院必須面臨的情形。因此,建立顧客關係管理(CRM, Customer Relationship Management)勢必成為醫院在營運發展上的競爭優勢。本研究利用集群分析調查署立台北醫院的門診顧客群計有387人。結果可將門診顧客分為高重要高滿意度顧客、高重要低滿意度顧客與低重要低滿意度顧客、低重要高滿意度顧客各四大群組,本研究並提出四群顧客不同的管理策略提供署立台北醫院做顧客關係管理時的參考。從本研究結果可以看出,群組一(高重要高滿意度)的人數最多,得知署立台北醫院所提供的醫院重視項目及服務項目,能讓民眾同時實際感受到有達到或高於他們的需求,使得民眾的滿意度很高。次高的群組二(高重要低滿意度),將顧客認為重要的服務項目而低滿意度的項目加以改善,使以顧客為導向的醫院能有效滿足顧客需求。群組三(低重要度低重要度),民眾認為醫院提供的重要項目是不重要的,在感受水準的情形之下醫院所提供的服務項目,民眾並沒有很高的滿意度。群組四(低重要度高滿意度),民眾認為醫院提供的重要項目雖是不重要的,但在感受水準的情形之下醫院所提供的服務項目,民眾有很高的滿意度。隨著顧客的意識抬頭、與需求變化快速下,顧客關係管理的重要性逐日提升。透過CRM,醫院可研究如何與病患進行更有效的雙向溝通,以傾聽病患內心的聲音。CRM的精神乃強調與顧客之間的了解與互動,因此醫院如何使用顧客關係管理來滿足顧客需求並提升顧客的忠誠度將是醫院所面臨的一大課題。


Implementation of the National Health Insurance program is a great challenge faced by hospital managements. As patients becoming increasingly demanding on medical service quality along with the establishment and expansion of other medical institutions, competition amongst medical institutions has grown more intense. As a result, hospitals are facing the issues of retaining existing customers while attracting new customers amongst a limited source of patients. Thus, the formation of customer relation management (CRM) systems will inevitably become an important competitive advantage in the development of medical services.This study used cluster analysis for its investigation of Taipei Hospital, Department of Health (DOH), with the outpatient population at 387 people, and further divided the patients into four groups which are high importance and satisfied, high importance and dissatisfied, low importance and satisfied, and low importance and dissatisfied. The research suggested different CRM strategies for these four groups of customers to Taipei Hospital as a reference when managing their customer relations.Results of this study show that group 1 (high importance and satisfied) is the largest group. The hospital-focus and service projects carried out by Taipei Hospital are consistent with patients' needs who also felt that service quality exceeds or is within the accepted level, making them highly satisfied. The second largest group is group 2 (high importance and dissatisfied), and the hospital should direct its efforts of service quality improvement based on customer needs, specifically on areas where the patients felt is important but actual services did not meet their expectations. In group 3 (low importance and dissatisfied), the patients felt that the important services provided by the hospital is less important to them. On the service criteria that the customers felt is important, the hospitals failed to provide satisfactory quality. In group 4 (low importance and satisfied), the patients felt that the important services provided by the hospital is less important to them; however, they are still satisfied with the services provided by the hospital that themselves felt was important.With the rise of customer consciousness in addition to rapid changes of demand, there is an increase in the importance of CRM. Hospitals using CRM will be able to investigate how to improve two-way communication with the patients in order to understand the actual needs of the patients. The spirit of CRM emphasizes understanding and having a dynamic interaction with the customers; hence, how hospitals use CRM to improve customer demand and improve consumer loyalty will become a major topic faced by hospitals.
