  • 期刊


Frame Semantics and Languaculture: Plant Fixed Expressions in Mandarin Chinese and English


本文探討漢語和英語的植物固定語式來觀察語言差異性及其與語言共同性的互動。我們集中討論花、草、果、根四種植物喻體,以框架語意的理論(Fillmore and Atkins, 1992)來檢視它們的核心意義,隨後從首要語意看出語意的獨立性和特殊的文化特徵,依據這個研究結果,最後我們提出一個認知模式的機制。 植物固定語式的語意出發點在於大自然界,然而隨後的發展卻隨語言文化的不同而異。我們所探討的四種植物喻體各有其語言框架,其構成的核心語意在漢語和英語亦大半不同(比如:漢語「果」表『功蹟』,英語「fruit」表『後代』)。首要語意有時相同(如:根、草),有時是同一上位詞的下義詞(如:花)。大自然提供給各語言使用者相同的題材,在其語言中加分,卻因不同的文化和生活經驗創造出有趣的語言差異。認知模式的機制乃以語言共同性為一穩定中心(框架中的首要語意),外圍是不穩定的的因子,此模式反應出語言文化的特性,也同時排除了框架語意的一些限制。


This study presents plant fixed expressions in Mandarin Chinese and English to reveal language diversity as well as its interaction with universality. We focus on the top four plant vehicles, flower, grass, root, and fruit, to examine their core meanings in frame semantics (Fillmore and Atkins, 1992), and then look into their semantic primes to explore semantic dependency and the specific culture features. A dynamic cognitive model is proposed at the end. The nature-dependent selection decides the generating point of the plant fixed expressions, but the developments vary with specific languages and cultures. Each of the four plant vehicles has its linguistic frame. The core meanings that compose each frame in Chinese and English are for the most part different (e.g., Chinese fruit 'feat', and English fruit 'offspring'). The semantic primes are either the same (e.g., root, grass) or are hyponyms of the same hypernym (e.g., flower) because a nature-dependent selection is in operation. Nature provides the same linguistic material to speakers of different languages who then project their own cultures and life experiences to create interesting language diversities. A proposed dynamic cognitive model with a universal stable core element (semantic prime of a frame) and unstable periphery reflects languacultural specifics and overcomes some limitations of frame semantics.


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