  • 學位論文


Social Network Analysis on Stakeholders of Reverse Mortgage System

指導教授 : 林建元


隨著高齡少子化時代的來臨,政府將於2012年仿效美國HECM制度,於臺灣試辦逆向房屋抵押貸款,目的在於提升灰色地帶貧困老人的生活品質及保障經濟安全。公共政策的推行,由於涉及許多利害關係人之不同利益,進而影響執行的可行性,因此在制度設計過程中,必須釐清制度中的利害關係人,了解其所追求的目標、相互的利益衝突、制度達成的風險及彼此之間的結合關係,進而界定各利害關係人未來參與制度設計的適當角色與責任,設計出符合我國國情的完善制度。本文以利害關係人途徑分析以及網絡分析等方法,探討利害關係人在政策網絡產生的影響;透過社會網絡分析軟體(UCINET),繪製出利害關係人所建構的網絡關係圖,藉由議題網絡之中心性分析,釐清各利害關係人之間的共通點、互補性及合作、妥協的可能。 本研究透過深度訪談與網絡分析方法,發現逆向房屋抵押貸款制度的影響包括三個層面:(一)以社會層面而言,雖然此制度帶給臺灣具經濟弱勢的老人在生活支援上有多一項的選擇,但事實上社會福利需求層面導向的利益相同體,多與金融產業導向的利益相同體呈現利益衝突的現象,使制度設計上產生諸多矛盾與風險問題;(二)以政府層面而言,多數利害關係者皆認同中央政府機關為關鍵的決策者,亦為影響制度推行的重要利害關係人,政府除了扮演領導與教育民眾的角色,亦需負有設計解決機制的責任;(三)以產業層面而言,金融導向的利益相同體,在制度中除了需承擔許多不確定風險外,亦與社會福利導向之利益相同體在目標上有所衝突,除了需扮演溝通與協調的角色,更需與政府之間有更為密切與互動的合作關係。 逆向房屋抵押貸款制度在設計與實施過程中皆為複雜,由於為新制度的引進,於台灣仍未有個案產生,故於研究上未能以實際的案例深入討論,建議後續研究可針對臺灣的需求市場做大規模與深入的調查,瞭解臺灣需求市場真正的需要,以制定符合我國國情的逆向房貸制度。另外,建議可以更深入釐清各利害關係人之間的利益衝突、矛盾與合作,藉以降低各風險問題的產生,惟有釐清各利害關係人於制度中所扮演的角色與利益衝突,才得以設計出更為完善與有效率之制度內容。


Facing to the trend of population aging, Taiwan plans to implement the soc-called "reverse mortgage system" in 2012 in order to improve the economic security for the elderly population. Since public policy involves conflicts among different stakeholders, feasibility of a new policy has to be analyzed from the viewpoint of different stakeholders. In addition to the establishment of stakeholder network system, by use of social network analysis software (UCINET), the commonality, complement, and the possibility of cooperation among stakeholders are analyzed. Both “in-depth interview” and “network analysis” are applied to investigate the impacts of “reverse mortgage system” on different stakeholders in three aspects. (1) Regarding to the social aspect, the system provides the elder who are also the economical disadvantaged one option of economical source; however, there are actually contradictions and conflicts existing between the social-welfare-oriented group with the same interests and the finance-industry- oriented one. That leads to some barriers for the government to design the system. (2) Regarding to the government aspect, many stakeholders recognize that the central government as the crucial decision maker and the stakeholder to affect the promoting of the system. (3) The government plays the role to lead and educate the people and has the responsibility to design the mechanism to solve social problems. In terms of the finance-industry-oriented group with same interests, it not merely has to face to uncertainty risks, but has some conflicts with the social-welfare-oriented group. The previous one has to play the role to communicate and negotiate among different groups, and to have a closer cooperation relationship with the government. It is suggested that further analysis on the relationships among different stakeholders should be conducted in the future researches in order to develop a more efficient system with social equity sufficiently considered.


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