  • 學位論文


Evaluating the Learning Performance of Interpreting Contour Maps for Senior High School Students: Using Eye Tracking Technology

指導教授 : 溫在弘


等高線作為地表立體空間型態展現的地圖符號之一,是高中地理技能教學的重點,也是高中生學習的問題所在。而透過學習成效的評量結果,診斷學生學習問題與困難,是教師修正教學活動的依據。過去等高線學習成效的評估上,常用紙筆測驗和問卷調查作為主要評估方法,透過成績間接推論學生的學習行為和理解程度,但仍無法明瞭學生閱讀當下的過程和判讀錯誤的地方。 然而學生究竟在看等高線地圖的哪些位置進行地形判釋,反應出他的學科知識能力和學習策略,並且學生在閱讀期間所注意到的等高線符號特性和運用步驟,近年來可藉由眼球追蹤技術,即時記錄呈現,取得較客觀的統計數據和閱讀過程的影像資料,以作為學生學習認知歷程和學習成效評估的工具,填補過往只以結果、忽略過程來判斷學生能力表現的缺漏。 本文從釐清高中生等高線學習成效的觀點切入,應用眼動軌跡數據評估學生的等高線判讀能力是否隨著螺旋式教學法的課程安排,從符號閱讀進階到分析演繹。其中從注視點空間分布圖知道其觀看等高線圖的目標位置、各個特徵符號間的觀看時間比例了解其注意力分布,並從判讀特徵的次序關係和規律,理解不同學習成效的學生在閱讀等高線圖上的差異,而討論中會輔以紙本測驗的答案,找出學習成效差的學生在判讀過程中所遇到的問題癥結點,並期許研究結果能對教學現場提供建議。


Contours, as one of the map symbols displaying the three-dimensional terrain relief, are the main geography teaching subject in senior high school, and also as a skill that students should be cultivated in geography curriculum, but students' generally do not perform well. To find out the learning problems and difficulties are the aims for teachers to revise their teaching activities or materials. In the past, the evaluation of the contour maps’ learning performance used paper-and-pencil tests and questionnaires as the main methods to infer the students' learning behavior and measure their abilities through the scores. However, we still cannot know the process of how the students are reading the contour maps, and where the difficulties coming out during reading. Terrain interpretation through the contour maps reflects the students’ knowledge and learning strategies. In recent years, the features of the contour symbols that the student notices during the map reading can be achieved by eye tracking technology, this tool can do the real-time recording, presenting and also collecting much statistical data and image data from students’ reading process. It is another new way enable to evaluate the learning performance of interpreting contour maps and insight into understanding the students’ cognitive process. This article tries to use eye tracking data to assess whether the students’ contour reading abilities following up the spiral curriculum system, from symbol reading to analytical interpretation. Through the eye tracking data, the gaze fixation is used to know where the target position students are looking at; the ratio of reading time between each feature symbol is to understand the students’ attention distribution; the feature symbols’ reading sequences and regularity can help to comprehend the students with different learning performance would have a different eye movement pattern during the contour map reading process. Further, considering the need for teachers to find out the crux problems of poor learning performance students during the interpretation process of the contour maps, we discussed both the eye tracking data and the paper-and-pencil test results. Finally, it is hoped that with these research results can provide some suggestions to the teachers, from understanding the learning difficulties to implementing different teaching methods, enhancing the senior high school students’ contour maps knowledge.


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