  • 學位論文


Technological Learning and Innovation in China:the Case of Electric Motorcycle Industry in Yangtze River Delta Region

指導教授 : 陳良治


中國的產業發展與技術學習,過往研究多強調高科技產業發展中國家角色以及與全球產業鏈的外部聯結之關鍵作用,鮮少論及中低科技產業。本研究以深入訪談與參與式觀察為研究方法,選取發展二十餘年卻成長為產值超過300億美元的中國電動機車產業作為案例,探討中國長三角地區電動機車產業的技術升級過程中,技術能力建立的動態過程及其學習與升級的渠道與影響因子,建立一個關於中國產業技術學習的發展模式:一個基於技術學習能力、地方政府與廠商高度鑲嵌的網絡關係。 研究發現:電動機車產業的技術學習與升級,主要透過合資經營、技術授權、資本財購買、國內生產網絡與協力網絡、國外協力網絡、人才資源流動以及研發等方式,吸收、擴散獲取的技術,形塑自身的技術能力。另外,中央層級的國家角色並沒有促成電動機車產業在地方的發展,反而是地方政府在電動機車產業發展中扮演著主導和資源支配的角色。而且在電動機車產業作為支柱產業的地方,地方政府與廠商高度鑲嵌在鄉鎮的人情社會網絡之下,地方政府以管理者的角色,既彈性地詮釋中央政策,又彈性的制訂地方規定與地方政策,進而為電動機車廠商謀得較為良好的產業環境,促進電動機車廠商的協同共進。


Existing literature of industrial development and technology learning in China has emphasized the role of the central government and the external linkages in global production networks, but rarely focuses on the low-tech industries and the role of local governments. Using Chinese electric motorcycle industry as the example, this thesis aims to understand the processes underlying and factors influencing the development trajectory of electric motorcycle industry in Yangtze River Delta Region. Research findings are as follows: Firstly, the technology learning and upgrading of the electric motorcycle industry is mainly achieved through employing strategies such as joint ventures, technology licensing, capital goods purchase, domestic production networks, cooperation networks, foreign cooperation networks, human resource flow and R D, therefore allowing the industry to absorb and spread the acquired new technologies. Secondly, we found that central government contributed little to the development of China’s electric motorcycle industry. Instead, the local government has played a leading role in the course of promoting the industry through its embedded networks with local manufacturers. This creates a relatively preferable industrial environment for the electric motorcycle manufacturers.


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