  • 學位論文


Information Coding Plasticity of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells in Voluntary Balance Control

指導教授 : 嚴震東




Maintenance of balance involves neuronal plasticity in the cerebellum. However, plasticity mechanisms underlying the adjustment in the computation of sensory afference during a natural learning process with both active and passive motions still remain unclear. In this thesis, we investigated the readout of the cerebellar cortex, the Purkinje cell (PC) spiking, when the rat tried to balance itself on a short beam high above the ground. We found the fluctuation of the head gradually decreased as the rat adapted on the beam (n = 18 rats), suggesting a short-term motor learning of balance control. Both simple (SSs; n=17 of 26 neurons) and complex spikes (CSs; n=7 of 12) of Purkinje cells were shown to code head motion in the sagittal plane. Among the coding neurons, most (n = 14 of 17 neurons) had their SS firing frequency linearly correlated with the angular velocity of the head motion. PCs with CS information coding had their SS code the same information in either a reciprocal (n=5 of 7) or a one-sided manner (n=2 of 7). The correlation between SS firing frequency and the angular motions of the head correlated positively with the motion level during beam standing. Using periods with comparable motion level, we found the SS coding capability in most PCs (n = 10 of 17) decreased significantly during the beam standing task, with the reduction in the interaction between simple and complex spikes. SS coding capability of these PCs was recovered under unexpected perturbations or under anesthesia. Hence, we demonstrate that neural plasticity for filtering out sensory afference of active motions happened in the learning process of balance maintenance. Our findings reveal, for the first time, the learning dynamics of sensory afference computation between active and passive motions in the cerebellar cortex.


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