  • 學位論文


Exploring the Roles of Staff Interpreters in a Professional Baseball Team in Taiwan: Taking the CTBC Brothers as an Example

指導教授 : 范家銘




Rapid globalization in recent decades has allowed teams of major sports leagues around the world to recruit elite international talent, boosting the leagues’ overall competitiveness and the quality of games. The import of foreign athletes necessitates the existence and assistance of team interpreters. However, few past interpreting studies investigated the work of sports team interpreters. The present study explores sports team interpreters by examining the actual practice of interpreting service and the roles of team interpreters of the CTBC Brothers in the sole professional sports league in Taiwan, the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL). Field observation was conducted in the 2019 spring training camp of the Brothers, and 16 interviews with team interpreters, players, and coaches were also held. Results show that team interpreters not only serve as language intermediaries for the primary interlocutors, they are also active participants in the interpreted dialogues. They play the roles of assistant coach, emotion filter, team administrative staff, and personal assistant. The interpreters sometimes add or filter out information, and settle disputes between players and coaches. In addition, they also need to do administrative work and take care of foreign members’ life off the field. The results suggest that team interpreters’ role and responsibility are beyond the conventional definition of interpreter and translator.


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