  • 學位論文


A Lukewarm Reception to Creativity Fix: The Case of Carpentry on the Ningxia Street, Taipei

指導教授 : 黃舒楣


近年來台北市寧夏路木材產業青黃不接,政府單位(台北市都更處、商業處)委託創意規劃事業體執行計劃案,期望能帶入創意思維與作法,能振興木材產業並增加業務量,同時文化藝術團體也進入木材街尋求技術。本研究以觀察現地木材產業是否能良好接收不同計畫所直接以及間接驅動的創意行動為出發點,進而提出研究發問:計劃性/非計劃性的創意修補/固著對於產業影響?在地從業行動者如何回應創意修補/固著? 本研究運用Jamie Peck所提出創意修補/固著 (Creativity Fix)的概念,在台北市的都市規劃脈絡下發展出分析架構來討論創意活動與木材產業的互動情況。運用參與觀察法、深度訪談之半結構訪談以及次級資料分析,來進行研究。獲得以下發現:計劃性創意修補/固著下,創意規劃事業體從外部帶來創意,企圖塑造創意氛圍(創意產業街區),來吸引創意階級振興產業,但卻忽視在地文化與從業行動者,並無法解決產業問題;非計劃性創意修補/固著下,創意本來就存在於職人技術操作中,文化藝術團體協助將工藝技術轉化為商品,橋接消費者市場與職人狀態木材產業,也開啟了木材街「青黃不接」轉變為「青黃半接」的契機。


For many decades, the carpentry in Ningxia Street, Taipei has been in decline. The government sectors have seen the creative industry a cure for regeneration and invested in several programs of cultural creativity. They expected to bring creative thinking and practices to revitalize the carpentry. This research asked the following questions: Can planning programs in the name of creativity works? How do practitioners respond to these programs that are supposedly offering creative fixes to the dying industry? In this study, I engaged with Jamie Peck's theorization of Creativity Fix, to develop a working framework to discuss the creative fixed carpentry. In research, I combined participatory observation, in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews and secondary data analysis to obtain qualitative data and information. I came up with the following findings: Planned creative fixation or creative planning business from outside, which mainly intend to create a creative milieu to attract the creative class to revitalize the industry, oftentimes largely ignored the local culture and practitioners’ agency. They rarely solved the industrial problems. Unplanned creative fix, which has more to do with the creative already exists in the technical operation of the workers, is more likely to transform existing craftsmanship into attractive commodities, bridging the consumer market and the carpentry. The latter is more likely to bring new opportunities to the stagnant industry and changed its lukewarm attitude from passive resistance to positively receiving changes.


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