  • 學位論文


The Feasibility of Applying Spatial Typology in the Sustainable Architecture Design: A Case on Ventilation issue in the NTU Campus

指導教授 : 賴仕堯


因應世界永續發展(sustainable development)趨勢,能源消耗做為永續發展重要的議題之一,建築熱環境設計的重要性再次受到重視。臺大校園也在永續發展的脈絡下朝向永續大學方向邁進,但是,臺大的永續校園行動在面對能源管理議題時,並未從長遠的角度思考,忽略了從設計手法降低建築物對空調設備依賴的可能性,僅著重在處裡能夠得到立即性成果的設備替換。然而,臺大校園規劃脈絡下的形式規範準則具備了從設計規畫階段減少未來建築能源消耗的機會。 本研究的目的為建構足以回應永續校園節能目標的空間類型準則。本研究聚焦於建築熱環境下的自然通風,從風環境的角度重新檢視早期作為形式規範的臺大校園建築因應環境的因素,藉由這些因素建立回應永續發展的臺大校園建築類型準則,並探討此空間類型準則回饋到未來校園建築規劃的可能性。 首先,本研究利用量體型態以及走廊與樓梯三種元素重新整理臺大建築的空間架構,歸納出一套新的臺大建築類型。其次,本研究藉由能源模擬分析驗證歸納出的空間類型運用在實際建築自然通風的效果,透過上述分析結果本研究提出對於未來校園規劃的建議。最後,回到臺大校園規劃的脈絡,本研究將環境設計因素納入校園規劃準則的考量,提出對於形式準則的具體建議,以填補校園規劃準則與永續目標之間的空白。


In response to the world's sustainable development issue, the planning and development of the National Taiwan University campus has also been developed sustainably step by step, and one of its significant topics is the energy consumption. For the reason, the issue of the thermal environment is going to be more and more important in building design. However, the action of NTU campus sustainability, particularly in the sustainable energy management factor could not have. The planning and building only focused on immediate outcomes as building device improvement, rether than the possibility of recucing the use of air-condition by introducting vantilation via architectural design. The purpose of this study is to construct a regulation of building type which can respond to Sustainable university. This study focuses on ventilation issue, which is based on thermal environment analysis, and analysis environment factors by re-examine the terms of the early NTU campus building. This study constructs a new type of NTU sustainable campus by ventilation factors, then discuss the feasibility of applying spatial typology in the NTU future campus planning and development. First, this study rearrange the space of NTU campus by three elements: the building form, corridor and stair. And secondly, this study proof of actual construction of these ventilation building type by simulation CFD. In the end, this study propose specific recommendations for NTU future campus planning, that is contain environment factors, to rich the intension of NTU.


邱英浩、黃政達(2008)〈以CFD 探討住宅單元單開口通風之效能〉,《建築與規劃學報》9(3):169-192
