  • 學位論文


The Indigenous Knowledge and the Interpretation of Culture in the Reconstruction Processes in Rinari

指導教授 : 畢恆達


莫拉克八八風災重創臺灣原住民族所居住的傳統領域,也讓臺灣閱聽大眾逐漸累積對於「災難、開發、山坡地、土石流」等關鍵字之觀念,養成了「人類破壞大自然」、「山上發生了土石流,可能是因為居民胡亂開發」等片面災難解讀與咎責方式。為了更深入了解瑪家部落、好茶部落、大社部落族人如何面對災害的過程,本研究以民族誌田野的方式進入複雜的災後安置與災後重建原住民族地區,實地接觸族人的重建生活。最後,本研究就族人當時在山上應對災害的生活、災後安置階段的生活及災後永久屋基地的生活,進一步觀察與探討族人如何應對自然災害及人為災害的能力。 此外,本文從一個原住民青年研究者的角度,來了解災後族人的信仰價值和日常生活方式。因此,主要是不同社群文化對於「時間」和「空間」有著不同的思考,這也是當今政策決策者等相關人士難以取得的資訊與瞭解地方知識的捷徑。然而,這部分需要長期研究和持續記錄原住民如何在災後減緩災難的傳統方式與機制,及如何調適動遷流離,成為三個社群時時需要面對的課題。原住民社群對地方和領域有獨特牽繫與網絡關係,文化認同往往離不開地方認同。但如何盡可能地維繫集體的地方感及領域感,維護部落和地方之間的特殊關係,成了關鍵性的課題。 論文最後綜合以各章節深度訪談獲取之第一手資料及文獻資料中空間學者提出的觀點,加一整理並提出災難研究中以原住民族觀點出發的災難知識與建議。


Typhoon Morakot severely destroyed the traditional territories of Taiwan indigenous peoples, making the public gradually accumulate the idea of those keywords, like disaster, development, hillside and mudflow. Therefore the public further developed the single stories of disasters and the cause of them. In order to more deeply understand Makazayazaya, Kucapungane and Tavaljan communities’ process of facing the disasters, this study adopted the measure of ethnographic field work to enter the complicated indigenous areas of post disaster resettlement and reconstruction, and to participate in the reconstructive life of the indigenous peoples. At the last, this study further observed indigenous peoples’ ability of coping with the natural and human-made disasters, by comparing the lives in the mountain with the lives in the phase of post-disaster resettlement and the lives in the permanent houses. In addition, this thesis is derived from the perspective of indigenous youth researcher to understand the value of belief and the daily lives of indigenous peoples after the disaster. It’s all resulted from the different ideas of time and space from different society and cultures. And this is the short-cut of understanding the local knowledge and the information which are inaccessible and unreachable for the decision makers and the authorities. Nevertheless, it requires long-term research and continual documenting on the traditional measures of disaster mitigation and accommodation of indigenous peoples after the disasters, which becomes the crucial issue of those three societies need to face from time to time. Indigenous societies have the special and unique connection to the place and territory. Cultural identity can’t live without local identity. However, how to maintain the collective sense of place and territory as possible and preserve the unique relation between community and place turned out to be a critical issue. In the end of the thesis, it combined the information obtained from the in-depth interviews in all chapters and the viewpoints from the literature on sociology of space to conclude the knowledge of disaster and suggestions that derived from the indigenous perspectives in disaster study.




