  • 學位論文


The Restructuring and Preservation of Hutong and Courtyard Houses in the Inner City of Beijing

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


本研究主要探討近代中國快速城市化發展下的北京舊城改造與保存歷程,以及此一城市再結構過程中的制度性基礎及其轉變。依照時期劃分,本文依序討論1949年後的計畫經濟時期,中國大陸對於國家首都的社會主義改造過程,如何決定了此後60年的城市發展格局,並成為舊城改造與保存的結構性因素;改革開放後,在後社會主義的轉型過渡中,中國政經體制改革與全球經濟市場互動下,土地商品化、住房制度改革與房地產開發如何影響1990年與2000年陸續開啟的兩次舊城大規模改造。此一空間在結構的改造與保存過程中,不同行動者如何干預、協調與謀合出新的地方性發展制度創新,當中所涉及的國家與政府職能轉變、城市政府與開發企業的關係,以及改造所帶來的社會與歷史衝擊,成為我們關注的焦點。 最後,本文以社會主義時期的《梁陳方案》國家行政中心的規劃論爭案例,以及後社會主義時期的三個案例,包括1980年代末期以有機更新改善居民居住條件的菊兒胡同、依照歷史風貌保護規定的南池子改造,以及奧運前以旅遊結合歷史保存的南鑼鼓巷等經驗案例,探討北京舊城改造與保存上的實施經過、運作機制與成效,以及各個案例在其所處時代的象徵意義,作為舊城改造與保存的反省之鏡,對於方興未艾的中國GDP掛帥的城市治理與由房地產開發引導城市的浪潮中,具有一定之對照與反思意義,俾藉此尋求城市永續發展之道。


Based on the curiosity of the overwhelming demolition and restructuring in the inner city of ancient Beijing, the dissertation investigates the transformation process and the institutional frame of restructuring and preservation of Beijing both in socialist and post-socialist period. This research probes into topics on the transformation of political and economic structure that the conflicts and influences between various actors, includes the State, the local governments, enterprises, and planners. First, the paper discusses how the socialist reform movement of the inner city and the long-existing low-rent welfare housing system limits the development of Beijing since the socialist period. After the reform in 1978, the author focuses on the effect of commercialization of land, housing system reform and development of real estate which play important roles in the process of restructuring and preservation of Beijing’s inner city. The author chooses four cases, including the Liang & Chen Plan of the central government site allocation in the early 1950s, the organic renewal of the Ju’er Hutong in the late 1980s, the demolition of the Nanchizi Hutong in 2000, and the cultural tourism of the Nanluogu-xiang Hutong before the 2008 Olympic Games to point out how various patterns of restructuring and preservation influence the results. Finally, these cases as reflective mirrors make us rethink alternative developmental routes and a sustainable future of urbanization in mainland China.


 1978 Art History and Class Struggle. Pluto Press, London.
 2005 〈地方成長聯盟轉化與空間治理策略:以台南科學城計畫為例〉,《都


