  • 學位論文


Influence of Smartphone Application on Mode Choice Behavior

指導教授 : 張學孔




With the rapid development of the smartphone technology, there are more and more existing smartphone applications combined with the real-time traffic information for the public transport in urban areas now, such as Taipei Easy Move. It is convenient to decide what kind of transport mode to use, which may also shift people from private vehicles to public transport. Previous studies have shown that the smartphone applications applied for transportation information have a significant impact on travel behavior. Therefore, the study aims to explore the impact of smartphone with dynamic travel information on mode choice behavior. The important factors of passenger mode choice are identified by the mode choice model developed in this study based on field survey. The results show that gender, income, travel distance, car and motorcycle ownership, information for bus and bicycle, the frequency of using the smartphone are all important factors for mode choice. It is also shown that the passengers of bus and MRT are more sensitive to travel time rather than price. It implies that saving travel time through the service of smartphone application has a potential to increase the market share of public transport.


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